AI Prompts for College/University

ChatGPT Prompts for Opinion Writing

Prompts for Generating ideas

  1. Come up with five potential opinion topics related to [topic].
  2. List ten potential topics for an opinion piece on the impact of [issue] on [group].
  3. Suggest three controversial topics that could spark debate in an opinion article about [topic].
  4. Generate five ideas for an opinion piece on the ethics of [technology or practice].
  5. Create a list of potential opinion topics related to the role of government in [policy area].
  6. Develop three potential opinion pieces related to [topic] that challenge common assumptions about the issue.
  7. Craft a list of opinion topics related to [topic] that offer a unique perspective or solution to a problem.
  8. Come up with a list of opinion topics related to [issue] that you think this [target audience] might be interested in.
  9. Develop a list of [number] potential topics related to [topic area].
  10. Come up with [number] different arguments for [issue or debate].
  11. Create a list of [number] different opinions on [controversial topic] and explain their reasoning.

Prompts for Research

  1. Provide statistics and data to support an opinion on [topic], specifically [data point].
  2. Suggest sources for research on the impact of [issue] on [group], focusing on [aspect].
  3. Offer research to support an argument for or against [policy], citing [source].
  4. Provide examples of successful [program or policy] to support an argument for increased [policy area] spending.
  5. Offer research to support an opinion on the impact of [policy] on [outcome].
  6. Provide a list of studies or reports that support the argument that [policy] has been effective in addressing [problem].
  7. Suggest sources to support an argument that [group] has been disproportionately impacted by [issue], with a focus on statistics and data.
  8. Offer research that supports the argument that [technology or practice] has had a significant impact on [aspect of society].
  9. Can you help me find information on [specific aspect of topic area]?

Prompts for Writing

  1. Write an opinion piece about the importance of supporting small businesses in my community.
  2. Craft an argument for or against the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in agriculture.
  3. Write a persuasive piece on the importance of arts education in schools.
  4. Write an outline for a persuasive essay arguing for the importance of [topic/issue] and provide supporting evidence for each point in the outline.
  5. Generate five potential headlines for an opinion piece about [topic] and explain the strengths and weaknesses of each option.
  6. Craft a strong opening sentence for an opinion piece about [topic] that grabs the reader’s attention and sets up the main argument of the piece.
  7. Develop a clear and concise thesis statement for an opinion piece about [topic/issue] and explain the main points that will be used to support the thesis.
  8. Write a compelling introduction for an opinion piece about [topic].
  9. Create a list of powerful verbs to use in an argumentative essay about [topic].
  10. Make suggestions for ways to improve the flow and organization of my argument in [part of the essay].
  11. Generate ideas for analogies or metaphors that could be used to illustrate my point in [part of the essay].
  12. Provide examples of successful opinion pieces on [topic] that I can study to improve my own writing.
  13. Write a paragraph that presents the opposing view on [insert topic] and counter it with my argument.
  14. Generate three arguments that support the statement that [insert topic] is a crucial issue that needs to be addressed immediately.
  15. Rewrite a draft of an opinion piece on [topic] to make it more [adjective].
  16. Explain how to structure an argument for an opinion piece on [topic], starting with [element of argument].
  17. Suggest ways to create a more compelling introduction for an opinion piece on [topic], using [technique].
  18. Provide guidance on how to use [literary device] in opinion writing to strengthen an argument about [topic].
  19. Offer tips on how to write an effective conclusion for an opinion piece on [topic], emphasizing [aspect].
  20. Give me an example of how to incorporate humor into an opinion piece on [topic], without detracting from the argument.
  21. Explain how to use a metaphor or analogy to clarify a complex concept related to [topic].
  22. Suggest ways to incorporate real-world examples or anecdotes to support an opinion on [topic].
  23. Suggest ways to improve the clarity and organization of my argument in [piece of writing].
  24. Provide feedback on the effectiveness of the introduction in [piece of writing].
  25. Rewrite this sentence to be more concise and impactful: [sentence]

Prompts for Reviewing Drafts

  1. Review a draft of an opinion piece on [topic] and provide feedback on the clarity of the argument related to [aspect]
  2. Analyze a draft of an opinion piece on [topic] and suggest areas for improvement related to [aspect of argument]
  3. Provide feedback on the strength of evidence in a draft of an opinion piece on [topic], specifically [data or source]
  4. Review a draft of an opinion piece on [topic] and suggest ways to improve the flow of the argument, specifically [aspect of organization]
  5. Provide feedback on the tone and voice of a draft of an opinion piece on [topic], focusing on [aspect of tone].
  6. Analyze the structure of a draft of an opinion piece on [topic] and provide feedback on the most effective way to arrange the argument.
  7. Provide feedback on the clarity and accessibility of a draft of an opinion piece on [topic], particularly in terms of jargon or complex terminology.
  8. Review a draft of an opinion piece on [topic] and suggest ways to strengthen the connection between the argument and the overall thesis.
  9. Can you review my [piece of writing] and suggest areas where I could provide more evidence?
  10. Provide feedback on the strength of my conclusion in [piece of writing].
  11. Identify any logical fallacies in my argument in [piece of writing].

Prompts for Analyzing Sentiments

  1. Analyze the sentiment of a draft of an opinion piece on [topic] and suggest ways to make the argument more persuasive, specifically related to [aspect of argument or tone].
  2. Provide an analysis of the sentiment of an opinion piece on [topic], highlighting [positive or negative aspect of sentiment].
  3. Suggest ways to address potential bias in an opinion piece on [topic], focusing on [aspect of bias].
  4. Analyze the sentiment of an opinion piece on [topic] and provide suggestions for improvement, specifically related to [aspect of argument or tone].
  5. Provide feedback on the tone and sentiment of an opinion piece on [topic], emphasizing [aspect of tone or sentiment].
  6. Analyze the tone and sentiment of an opinion piece on [topic] and suggest ways to make the argument more emotionally compelling.
  7. Suggest ways to address potential tone-deafness in an opinion piece on [topic], particularly related to sensitive or controversial issues.
  8. Analyze the sentiment of an opinion piece on [topic] and provide feedback on how to ensure that the argument resonates with the intended audience.

Prompts for Getting Feedback on Style and Tone

  1. Can you help me evaluate the [style/tone] of my piece and suggest ways to improve it? [paste your content]
  2. I’m struggling to strike the right [tone/style] for my opinion piece. Can you provide some guidance on how to adjust it? [paste your content]
  3. I want my article to have a more [emotional/engaging/etc.] impact. Could you review my work and suggest ways to enhance the [style/tone]? [paste your content]
  4. Provide suggestions on how to make my piece more conversational and less formal. [paste your content]
  5. I’m struggling to find the right words to convey my emotions. Can you help me come up with more impactful language? [paste your content]
  6. My argument is complex, and I’m worried readers might not fully understand my point of view. Can you help me simplify my language while still conveying the same meaning? [paste your content]

Prompts for Checking Grammar and Spelling

  1. Rewrite the following sentence to correct any grammatical errors: [sentence]
  2. Correct the spelling errors in the following paragraph: [paragraph]
  3. Identify any improper use of punctuation in the following sentence: [sentence]
  4. Correct any inconsistencies in verb tense in the following paragraph: [paragraph]
  5. Check the sentence structure of the following paragraph for clarity and coherence: [paragraph]

Prompts for Fact-checking

  1. Can you help me fact-check the sources in my [piece of writing]?
  2. Provide evidence to support or refute the claim that [fact or statistic]
  3. Can you fact-check my argument about [controversial topic]?

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