AI Prompts for College/University

ChatGPT Prompts for Product Managers

Prompts for Brainstorming Product Ideas and Features

  1. Generate a list of innovative feature ideas for a new mobile app aimed at fitness enthusiasts.
  2. Generate five innovative product features for a new [type of product].
  3. Generate 5 unique ideas for a new feature to add to our [existing product].
  4. What are some unique features we can add to our e-commerce platform to improve the customer shopping experience?
  5. We’re designing a fitness app targeted at senior citizens. What are some feature ideas that could be especially beneficial for this demographic?
  6. How can we improve our current email marketing software to better meet the needs of small businesses?
  7. What are some innovative product ideas that could help reduce plastic waste?
  8. Our goal is to improve student engagement in online learning. What product features could help us achieve this?
  9. Give me 3 innovative product concepts that solve the problem of [describe problem] in the [industry] sector.
  10. Provide [number] innovative concepts for a [type of product] that can enhance user experience in the [specific environment or situation].
  11. Generate [number] new feature ideas for our [product] that can help solve [describe the problem] in the [industry] sector.
  12. Propose a unique product concept that combines [current tech trend], addresses [specific problem], provides [desired functionality], and appeals to [target demographic].
  13. Suggest an innovative product concept that integrates [technology 1], [technology 2], [technology 3], targets [user problem] and could appeal to [target audience].

Prompts for Idea Validation

  1. Based on current e-learning trends and user preferences, provide feedback on our concept for a new interactive, AI-powered e-learning platform.
  2. Evaluate the pros and cons of introducing a feature like [describe feature] in our [product].
  3. What could be potential user reactions or feedback on a feature like [describe feature] for our [product]?
  4. Evaluate the potential impact of a [specific feature] in our [product] within the [target market]. List potential benefits and drawbacks.
  5. How might users in the [specific demographic] react to a new feature like [describe feature] in our [product]? Provide [number] potential feedback points.
  6. How might our [product name] with the feature [feature description] be perceived by a [target demographic] working in [industry]? Provide both positive and negative feedback.
  7. Evaluate our [product concept] that offers [feature 1], [feature 2], [feature 3], in the context of [industry] targeting [target audience]. What could be the potential user reactions and feedback?

Prompts for Crafting Product Descriptions

  1. Write a compelling product description for our newly developed advanced noise-cancellation headphones.
  2. Create a compelling product description for our new [product name].
  3. Write a short, compelling description for our new [product] that highlights its main features and benefits.
  4. We have developed a new organic skincare product range aimed at sensitive skin. Could you draft a soothing and empathetic product description highlighting its all-natural ingredients and gentleness?
  5. Our company is launching an advanced AI-powered chatbot service for businesses. Please provide a professional and tech-savvy product description that emphasizes its ability to improve customer service efficiency.
  6. We’re releasing a children’s educational app that makes learning math fun through games. Can you write a lively and engaging product description that captures a child’s imagination and a parent’s trust?
  7. Our new eco-friendly running shoes are made from recycled materials. Can you write a product description with a positive and energetic tone, focusing on the shoes’ comfort and environmental impact?
  8. Write a compelling product description for our new smartwatch, highlighting its unique features, benefits, and who it’s designed for.
  9. Create a detailed description for our [product] feature that focuses on its [intended functionality] and impact on the user experience.
  10. Craft a compelling product description for our new [product] that highlights its [specific feature], [unique selling proposition], and benefits for [target audience].
  11. Write an engaging and concise product narrative for our [product] focusing on its [feature], impact on [specific task or job], and how it differs from [competitor’s product].
  12. Create a compelling product description for our new [product] that highlights its [key feature], solves [common problem], provides [unique benefit], and distinguishes it from [major competitor].
  13. Write a compelling product description for our [product name] highlighting its [feature 1], [feature 2], [feature 3], its benefit in [use case], and its superiority over [competitor product].

Prompts for Product Documentation

  1. Write a step-by-step user guide for setting up and starting with our [product name].
  2. Create a user-friendly guide for our new project management tool, outlining its key features and how to use them effectively.
  3. We have a new project management software. Can you write an FAQ section covering topics such as account setup, project creation, task assignment, and team collaboration?
  4. We are launching an electric car. Please draft a section of the user manual that explains how to charge the vehicle, check battery status, and what to do in case of a low battery while on the road.
  5. Our new fitness tracker has multiple features like heart rate monitoring, step tracking, sleep tracking, and workout modes. Please create a user guide section explaining how to use these features effectively.
  6. We have a cloud-based data storage service. Please write an API documentation section explaining how users can upload files, create folders, and manage permissions.
  7. Create a troubleshooting guide for common issues users may face while using the [feature] in our [product].
  8. Create a step-by-step user guide for setting up and using the [specific feature] in our [product] for users who are [specific user characteristics].
  9. Write a troubleshooting guide for [number] common issues that users of the [product] might face while using the [specific feature], and provide simple solutions.
  10. Draft a user-friendly documentation section for [specific feature] of our [product], which helps the user to [desired outcome], focuses on [unique selling proposition], and is easy for [target demographic] to understand.
  11. Craft a clear and user-friendly guide for our [product name] explaining how to use [feature 1], [feature 2], [feature 3], to accomplish [task], in a way that a [target user group] can easily understand.

Prompts for Prototype Generation

  1. Describe a simple prototype for our upcoming [product type].
  2. Provide five different scenarios of customer interaction with our AI chatbot, detailing the potential user problem and how the chatbot might respond.
  3. We’re developing a fitness tracking app. Can you draft some potential user interactions for features such as setting a daily step goal, logging a workout, and tracking sleep patterns?
  4. We are building a new project management tool. Please write down a user scenario where a project manager creates a new project, assigns tasks to team members, and tracks the project’s progress.
  5. Our team is working on a digital cookbook application. Can you provide a user interaction scenario where a user searches for a vegetarian recipe, saves it to their favorites, and then uses the in-app grocery list feature to shop for ingredients?
  6. Describe a simple wireframe for the user interface of our new [product] focusing on ease-of-use and intuitive design.
  7. Provide a scenario and corresponding dialogue for a user interacting with the [specific feature] in our prototype [product].
  8. Describe a user interface prototype for our new [product] that ensures ease of use for [specific user group], includes a [specific feature], and aligns with our [brand’s design language].
  9. Outline a simple interaction scenario between a [user type] and our [product’s feature], considering typical pain points in [specific situation or environment].
  10. Describe a prototype for our new [product type] which includes [desired feature 1], [desired feature 2], a method for tackling [common problem], and is intended for users in [specific industry].
  11. Describe a simple prototype for our [product] that includes [feature 1], [feature 2], [feature 3], helps users achieve [specific goal], and is suitable for [target user group].

Prompts for Roadmap Planning

  1. Develop a basic roadmap for the launch of our new [product].
    Help me create a product roadmap for our new mobile game, including important milestones from concept to launch, maintenance, and user feedback integration.
  2. Outline a product roadmap for the development of our new online marketplace platform, including key milestones and timelines.
  3. We are working on a learning management system. Can you help us define the key milestones from concept to launch?
  4. What are the major stages and potential challenges in the development of a new ride-sharing app?
  5. Create a product development timeline for our new AI-based customer service tool, considering factors such as AI model training, user interface design, pilot testing, and full-scale deployment.
  6. Outline a 1-year product roadmap for our [product] with key milestones and targets.
  7. List potential challenges and solutions for our [product] for the next two quarters.
  8. Develop a [time-period] product roadmap for our [product], focusing on improving [specific feature], addressing [specific market challenges], and achieving [specific business goal].
  9. List [number] potential milestones for our [product] over the next [time period], including feature developments, market expansions, and partnerships to enhance [specific aspect of product].
  10. Design a [time-period] product roadmap for our [product] that includes new feature release, entering [new market], overcoming [challenge], and reaching [business objective].
  11. Create a roadmap for our [product] covering the next [time period], including the introduction of [feature 1], [feature 2], [feature 3], the expected achievement of [milestone], and the approach to [market trend or challenge].

Prompts for Market and Competitor Analysis

  1. We have collected data on five main competitors in the e-learning industry. Can you help us outline a comparison matrix for these companies based on parameters such as pricing, features, customer reviews, and market share?
  2. Can you provide a guideline on what aspects to consider when conducting a SWOT analysis for our new FinTech product?
  3. Provide a SWOT analysis for our [product] in the context of the current [industry] market.
  4. We have customer survey data for our new food delivery app. Can you help us analyze it to understand market preferences and potential areas of improvement?
  5. Summarize the competitive landscape for [product category] in the current market.
  6. Analyze the current food delivery app market, including key competitors, their unique selling propositions, and areas of opportunity for our product.
  7. List the top 5 competitors for our [product] in the [region], and what makes them successful.
  8. Provide a detailed analysis of the current market trends in the [industry] and how our [product] aligns or can be improved to meet these trends. Also, identify [number] key competitors.
  9. Outline the main strengths and weaknesses of our [product] compared to [competitor’s product] in the [target market]. Suggest [number] strategies to leverage strengths and overcome weaknesses.
  10. Analyze the current market for [product type] considering trends in [industry], our main competitors like [competitor name], the advantages they offer, and areas where [our product] could outperform.
  11. Summarize the market situation for [product category] considering the current state of [competitor 1], [competitor 2], [competitor 3], the impact of [market trend], and the needs of [target audience].

Prompts for Developing Launch Strategies

  1. Help me devise a go-to-market strategy for our online clothing store, considering target audience, marketing channels, key messages, and initial promotional activities.
  2. Propose a simple go-to-market strategy for our new [product].
  3. We are planning to launch a new fitness app. Can you help us outline the elements to consider in our go-to-market strategy?
  4. Suggest a high-level go-to-market strategy for our new [product] targeting the [target demographic].
  5. What are key elements we should include in our launch strategy for the [product] in the [region/market]?
  6. Propose a comprehensive go-to-market strategy for our new [product] targeting [specific audience], considering our [company’s unique selling points], and current trends in the [industry].
  7. Develop a detailed launch strategy for our [product] in the [specific market], focusing on [product’s key feature], [competitive advantage], and [key marketing channel].
  8. Develop a comprehensive go-to-market strategy for our [product] targeting [target demographic], leveraging [marketing channel], highlighting [unique selling proposition], and differentiating from [key competitor].
  9. Design a go-to-market strategy for our [product] targeting [target audience 1], [target audience 2], [target audience 3], through [channel 1], [channel 2], and differentiating from [competitor product].

Prompts for Crafting Launch Announcements

  1. Draft a press release for the launch of our new software tool. Highlight its unique features, benefits, and potential uses.
  2. Can you provide a draft for a press release announcing the launch of our new sustainable fashion line?
  3. We have written an announcement for our product launch. [Paste your Text here] Can you provide feedback and suggestions to make it more impactful?
  4. Compose an impactful launch announcement for our [product].
  5. Craft an engaging social media post announcing the launch of our [product].
  6. Write a press release announcing the launch of our new [product], highlighting its key features and benefits.
  7. Craft an engaging press release announcing the launch of our [product], highlighting its [key feature], benefits for the [target audience], and its uniqueness in the [specific market].
  8. Write an exciting social media post announcing the arrival of our [product], emphasizing its [key feature], impact on [target audience’s problem or need], and availability on [platforms or retail outlets].
  9. Write an engaging product launch announcement for our new [product], featuring its [unique capability], the problems it solves for [target audience], its availability from [launch date], and how it stands out from [major competitor].
  10. Compose a product launch announcement for our [product] featuring [unique selling point 1], [unique selling point 2], [unique selling point 3], its availability from [launch date], and its advantages over [competitor product].

Prompts for Creating Customer Personas

  1. Analyze our customer data and create five distinct customer personas for our e-commerce platform. Include demographics, buying behavior, motivations, and pain points.
  2. Based on customer research that indicates our users are mostly young adults interested in fitness, can you describe a detailed user persona?
  3. Create a customer persona for our [product] based on the following data: [insert data]
  4. Create a detailed customer persona for our target user of [product], considering demographic factors, user needs, and behavior patterns.
  5. Based on market research, list the top 3 customer personas we should focus on for our [product], and explain why.
  6. Create a detailed customer persona for our [product], considering [specific demographic factors], [common behavior patterns], and [typical challenges or pain points].
  7. Based on our [product’s features] and target market in the [industry], identify and describe [number] potential customer personas, focusing on their needs, behaviors, and preferences.
  8. Based on [customer behavior], [purchase patterns], [common challenges], and [demographics], describe a realistic customer persona for our [product].
  9. Create a detailed customer persona for our [product] based on [customer behavior 1], [customer behavior 2], [customer behavior 3], their main challenges like [challenge 1], [challenge 2], and typical demographics like [demographic factor].

Prompts for Formulating Pricing Strategies

  1. Can you provide an overview of various pricing strategies for a premium subscription model for our news app?
  2. What are the pros and cons of cost-plus pricing versus value-based pricing for our new line of eco-friendly home appliances?
  3. Based on the current market trends, what would be a competitive pricing strategy for our new [product name]?
  4. Considering the current market dynamics and cost structure of [Product/Service], suggest a suitable pricing strategy.
  5. Analyze the pricing strategies of our top three competitors in the [Industry] and propose a competitive pricing model for our [Product/Service].
  6. Given the cost of production [$Amount], competitor’s pricing [$Competitor’s Price], expected profit margin [%Profit Margin], and our target market’s [Market Segment], recommend a suitable pricing strategy for our [Product/Service].
  7. Given the manufacturing cost of [$Amount], current market conditions in the [Industry], and competitor’s average pricing of [$Amount], suggest a profitable yet competitive pricing strategy for our [Product/Service].
  8. Assess the pricing models of [Competitor 1], [Competitor 2], and [Competitor 3] and propose a pricing strategy for our [Product/Service] that can outperform them in the [Target Market].
  9. Given the cost of production [$Amount], competitor’s pricing [$Competitor’s Price], our product’s unique features [Feature 1, Feature 2], and target customer’s average spending [$Average Spending], what pricing strategy would be most suitable for our [Product/Service]?

Prompts for Tracking Industry Trends

  1. List the top five emerging trends in the online education industry.
  2. Summarize the latest trends in the e-commerce industry regarding consumer behavior and emerging technologies.
  3. What are the current emerging trends in the [industry name] industry?
  4. List the top five emerging trends in the [Industry] and explain how they might impact our [Product/Service].
  5. What are the technological advancements influencing the [Industry] and how can we incorporate them into our [Product/Service]?
  6. Identify the top [Number] trends in the [Industry] and evaluate how they might impact our [Product/Service] over the next [Time Period].
  7. Based on the [Current Year]’s technology advancements and socio-economic changes, predict the major changes expected in the [Industry] and suggest adaptations for our [Product/Service].
  8. Identify and analyze top [Number] trends in the [Industry], their impact on similar products like [Product 1], [Product 2], and potential implications for our [Product/Service] over the next [Time Period].
  9. Identify the top [Number] trends in the [Industry] and analyze how each one could impact [Product/Service], [Product/Service 2], [Product/Service 3] in our product line over the next [Time Period].

Prompts for Predictive Analysis

  1. Based on our current sales data, market growth, and customer behavior, provide a predictive analysis of how our proposed new product might perform in the next quarter: [Provide Your Data Here]
  2. Based on historical trends in the smartphone market, what are potential future trends we should consider for our next mobile device’s features?
  3. Based on our Q1 and Q2 sales data, predict the potential sales performance for our product in Q3: [Provide Your Data Here]
  4. Based on current market conditions and trends, what are the predicted performance trends for a [product type] over the next [time period]?
  5. Based on historical sales data of [Product/Service], predict the sales trend for the next [Time Period].
  6. Analyze the market growth rate of the [Industry] and predict potential market share for our new [Product/Service] in [Target Market] over the next [Time Period].
  7. Use historical sales data from [Year 1], [Year 2], and [Year 3] to predict the sales trend for our [Product/Service] over the next [Time Period].
  8. Based on [Indicator 1], [Indicator 2], and [Indicator 3], predict potential future trends in the [Industry] and their implications for our [Product/Service].
  9. Using our sales data from [Year 1], [Year 2], [Year 3], and [Year 4], predict the potential sales trend for our [Product/Service] in the [Target Market] over the next [Time Period].
  10. Based on our historical sales data from [Year 1], [Year 2], [Year 3], [Year 4], and [Year 5], can you forecast the sales trend for our [Product/Service] in the next [Number] quarters?

Prompts for Interpreting User Feedback

  1. Could you provide a summary of key insights from the following user feedback on our [product name]: [Insert User Feedback]?
  2. Summarize the main points from the user feedback received on our [Product/Service] from the [Platform/Channel]: [Insert User Feedback]
    Analyze these customer reviews about our [Product/Service] and suggest areas of improvement: [Insert User Feedback]
  3. Evaluate and summarize customer reviews for our [Product/Service] from [Platform 1], [Platform 2], and [Platform 3], highlighting key areas of satisfaction and dissatisfaction: [Paste all Customer Reviews Here]
  4. Analyze the user feedback provided for features [Feature 1], [Feature 2], and [Feature 3] of our [Product/Service], and suggest possible improvements: [Insert User Feedback]

Prompts for Identifying KPIs

  1. What are some key performance indicators we should track for our [product name]?
  2. What would be suitable KPIs for monitoring the success of our [Product/Service] in the [Market]?
  3. For our [Product/Service] in the [Market], identify and explain the importance of [Number] KPIs that should be tracked regularly.
  4. Given our objectives of [Objective 1], [Objective 2], and [Objective 3], suggest suitable KPIs for our upcoming marketing campaign for [Product/Service].
  5. Identify the top [Number] KPIs for our [Product/Service] based on our objectives [Objective 1], [Objective 2], [Objective 3], and [Objective 4]. Explain why these metrics are relevant and how they can be tracked.
  6. What would be the key [Number] KPIs to monitor for our [Product/Service] given our objectives of [Objective 1], [Objective 2], [Objective 3], [Objective 4], and [Objective 5]? Provide reasons and methods to track each KPI.

Prompts for Analyzing Product Performance Metrics

  1. Based on this sales data for the past six months, identify the most and least popular products and any notable trends: [insert data]
  2. Analyze the following performance data for our [product name] and provide a summary: [insert data].
  3. Based on our [Product/Service]’s current performance data, what are potential areas for improvement?
  4. Analyze the performance metrics of our [Product/Service] based on [Metric 1], [Metric 2], and [Metric 3] and provide a comprehensive report.
  5. Evaluate our [Product/Service]’s performance based on user engagement data from [Platform 1], [Platform 2], and [Platform 3]. What insights can we gather?
  6. Evaluate the performance of our [Product/Service] using the metrics [Metric 1], [Metric 2], [Metric 3], [Metric 4], and [Metric 5]. Provide an overview and a detailed analysis for each.

Prompts for Drafting Product Communications

  1. Draft an engaging email update about the recent improvements made to our [product name].
  2. Draft an engaging product update email for our [Product/Service] targeting our [Customer Segment].
  3. Write a presentation script introducing the new features of our [Product/Service] for the upcoming [Event/Meeting].
  4. Craft a detailed email to our [Customer Segment], updating them about the changes in [Feature 1], [Feature 2], and [Feature 3] of our [Product/Service].
  5. Create an engaging presentation script for our stakeholders, discussing our [Product/Service]’s recent performance, upcoming updates, and expected impact on [Target Market].
  6. Draft an engaging email to [Customer Segment] introducing our new features [Feature 1], [Feature 2], [Feature 3], and [Feature 4] of [Product/Service]. Make sure to highlight the benefits of these features.
  7. Draft a compelling email to our customers [Customer Segment], highlighting the new features [Feature 1], [Feature 2], [Feature 3], [Feature 4], and [Feature 5] of our [Product/Service]. Highlight how each feature solves their [Issue/Need].

Prompts for Facilitating Cross-Functional Collaboration

  1. Write a message to the [team name] team updating them on the progress of the [project name].
  2. Help me manage this cross-functional project aimed at improving the user onboarding experience. Draft a plan to facilitate communication, align on tasks, and track progress across all involved teams.
  3. Create a message to [Team Name] about the progress of the [Project Name] and the next steps.
  4. Draft a proposal for a joint project between the [First Team Name] and [Second Team Name] involving our [Product/Service].
  5. Compose a meeting agenda for a collaboration between the [Team 1], [Team 2], and [Team 3] to enhance the features of our [Product/Service].
  6. Write a project proposal for the [Team 1] and [Team 2] highlighting the objectives, key responsibilities, and expected outcomes of their collaboration on the [Project Name] related to our [Product/Service].
  7. Create a collaboration plan between the [Team 1], [Team 2], [Team 3], and [Team 4] to enhance the [Feature/Process] of our [Product/Service]. Include objectives, responsibilities, and expected outcomes.
  8. Propose a communication plan involving the [Team 1], [Team 2], [Team 3], [Team 4], and [Team 5] teams to work on the [Feature/Process] improvement for our [Product/Service]. Each team’s roles and responsibilities should be clearly defined.

Prompts for Creating Sales and Marketing Materials

  1. Create a persuasive sales pitch for our new [product name].
  2. Draft a persuasive sales pitch and three key marketing messages for our new skincare product line.
  3. Write a persuasive sales pitch for our [Product/Service] emphasizing its [Distinctive Feature 1] and [Distinctive Feature 2].
  4. Create a promotional flyer text for our new [Product/Service], highlighting its benefits to [Target Customer Group].
  5. Draft a detailed sales pitch for our [Product/Service], emphasizing its [Feature 1], [Feature 2], and [Feature 3], and addressing the needs of our [Target Customer Group].
  6. Design a marketing brochure content for our new [Product/Service], highlighting its benefits to [Customer Segment 1], [Customer Segment 2], and [Customer Segment 3].
  7. Develop a persuasive sales pitch for our [Product/Service] targeting [Customer Segment]. Highlight the unique selling points [USP 1], [USP 2], [USP 3], and [USP 4] that differentiate us from competitors.
  8. Create a persuasive sales pitch for our [Product/Service] targeting [Customer Segment], highlighting the key benefits [Benefit 1], [Benefit 2], [Benefit 3], [Benefit 4], and [Benefit 5]. Also, suggest the best channels [Channel 1], [Channel 2] to promote.

Cataloguing Product Features with Prompts

  1. List potential features for a fitness tracking mobile application targeting senior citizens.
  2. Generate a list of potential features for our new smart home device and outline detailed requirements for each feature.
  3. List potential features that could enhance our [product type] based on current industry trends.
  4. List potential features for our new [Product/Service] based on the following user needs: [User Need 1], [User Need 2].
  5. Describe the benefits of our [Product/Service]’s key features, [Feature 1] and [Feature 2], for our target audience.
  6. Compile a comprehensive list of potential features for our new [Product/Service] that addresses [User Need 1], [User Need 2], and [User Need 3].
  7. Describe in detail the benefits of our [Product/Service]’s key features, [Feature 1], [Feature 2], and [Feature 3], for our target audience [Customer Segment].
  8. Compile a list of potential features [Feature 1], [Feature 2], [Feature 3], and [Feature 4] for our next [Product/Service], detailing how each one addresses a specific need of our [Target Customer Segment].
  9. Catalog a detailed list of potential features for our next [Product/Service], including [Feature 1], [Feature 2], [Feature 3], [Feature 4], and [Feature 5], explaining how each one meets a specific need of our target customers [Customer Segment].

Prompts for Designing and Analyzing A/B Tests

  1. Provide an analysis of A/B test results for the homepage redesign, version A had a conversion rate of 2.3%, and version B had a conversion rate of 3.5%
  2. Design an A/B test to evaluate the performance of [Feature A] vs [Feature B] on our [Product/Service]. Once the test is complete, provide an analysis of the results.
  3. Help me design an A/B test plan to compare [Feature A] and [Feature B] in [Product Name].
  4. Based on the provided data, please analyze the results of our A/B test for [Feature A] vs [Feature B] in [Product Name]: [Insert Data]
  5. Design an A/B test plan for [Product Name] to evaluate the impact of [Feature A] compared to [Feature B] on the [Specific Metric].
  6. Analyze the results of our recent A/B test comparing [Feature A] and [Feature B] for [Product Name]. Specifically, focus on the impact on [Specific Metric].
  7. Design an A/B test for our [Product Name] where we compare [Feature A] and [Feature B], measuring impact on [Metric] among [Target Audience].
  8. Design an A/B test for our [Product Name] comparing [Feature A] with [Feature B], and analyze its impact on [Metric X] and [Metric Y] for our [User Group]. What would be the expected outcome?

Prompts for Designing Customer Engagement Surveys

  1. Create a user satisfaction survey for customers who have purchased our latest fitness tracker.
  2. Create a user survey to understand customer satisfaction with our [Product/Service]. Include questions that will provide insights into areas for improvement.
  3. Create a survey focused on customer engagement for our [Product/Service]. Include questions about [Feature A] and [Feature B].
  4. Analyze the responses from our customer engagement survey about [Product/Service]. Focus on feedback related to [Feature A] and [Feature B].
  5. Create a user survey for [Product/Service], focusing on [Feature A], [Feature B], and overall user experience.
  6. Analyze the responses collected from our customer survey on [Product/Service]. Highlight key insights related to [Feature A], [Feature B], and overall satisfaction.
  7. Create a customer engagement survey for [Product Name], focusing on user experience with [Feature A], [Feature B], and their overall satisfaction. Include questions for both [Demographic Group A] and [Demographic Group B].
  8. Design a customer engagement survey for our [Product Name], aiming to understand how [Feature A] and [Feature B] impact user satisfaction among [User Group]. Also, include questions to uncover their needs related to [Related Product Aspect].

Meeting Facilitation with Prompts

  1. Draft an agenda for our next product development meeting related to [Product/Service]. Ensure it includes discussions about [Feature A] and [Feature B].
  2. Based on our previous meeting about [Product/Service], take notes and suggest action items related to [Feature A] and [Feature B].
  3. Draft a meeting agenda for our next team discussion on [Product/Service], with special attention on [Feature A], [Feature B], and [Specific Issue/Challenge].
  4. From our recent meeting on [Product/Service], create detailed notes and suggest action items related to [Feature A], [Feature B], and [Specific Issue/Challenge].
  5. Draft an agenda for our upcoming meeting on [Date] regarding [Product Name], discussing progress on [Feature A], [Feature B], addressing [Concern/Issue], and planning for [Future Aspect/Phase].
  6. Draft a meeting agenda for [Date] to discuss [Product Name], covering the progress of [Feature A], issues with [Feature B], planning for [Upcoming Event C], and suggestions for [Improvement D] and [Improvement E].

Crisis Management with 

  1. Draft an email to our stakeholders explaining the recent product issue and the steps we are taking to resolve it.
  2. Given a hypothetical crisis situation involving a significant malfunction in [Product/Service], draft a communication for stakeholders and suggest potential steps for damage control.
  3. Imagine a crisis situation related to [Feature A] in our [Product/Service]. Draft a communication plan for stakeholders and suggest steps for damage control.
  4. Provide a contingency plan and draft communication for a hypothetical issue with [Feature A] and [Feature B] in our [Product/Service].
  5. Draft communication for stakeholders addressing the issue with [Feature A] in [Product/Service] and suggest potential damage control steps to maintain [Business Goal].
  6. Provide a contingency plan and suggest communication strategies for a hypothetical crisis involving [Feature A], [Feature B], and the impact on [Business Goal] in our [Product/Service].
  7. Compose a crisis management message regarding the issue with [Feature A] in our [Product Name], its impact on [User Group], our [Solution Strategy], estimated recovery time, and what steps we’re taking to prevent [Future Issue D] and [Future Issue E].

eam Building and Management with Prompts

  1. Provide tips and best practices for effective team management and building in the context of a product team working on [Product/Service].
  2. Provide tips and best practices for managing a team working on [Feature A] and [Feature B] of our [Product/Service].
  3. Suggest team building activities that could help improve collaboration in the team working on [Feature A] and [Feature B] of our [Product/Service].
  4. Provide tips for managing a team working on [Product/Service], focusing on improving collaboration around [Feature A], [Feature B], and overall product development.
  5. Suggest team-building activities beneficial for the team developing [Feature A] and [Feature B] for our [Product/Service], aiming to enhance [Specific Aspect of Team Dynamics].
  6. Give tips for managing and building a team that will work on [Project Name] for our [Product Name], focusing on improving collaboration around [Feature A], [Feature B], and enhancing [Aspect of Team Dynamics].
  7. Provide tips on managing and building a team for [Project Name] considering challenges with [Task A], [Task B], promoting [Positive Culture Aspect C], and improving performance in [Area D] and [Area E].

Process Automation with 

  1. Identify areas in the workflow of our [Product/Service] that can be automated with AI, like automatic response generation for certain customer inquiries.
  2. Identify areas in the development process of [Feature A] and [Feature B] in our [Product/Service] that could be automated with AI.
  3. Suggest how AI could be used to automate response generation for customer inquiries related to [Feature A] and [Feature B] in our [Product/Service].
  4. Suggest how AI can automate the generation of responses for customer inquiries about [Feature A], [Feature B], and general questions about our [Product/Service].
  5. Identify areas in the development process of our [Product Name] that could be automated, specifically in tasks related to [Feature A], [Feature B], [Process/Task C], and [Process/Task D].

Vendor Management with Prompts

  1. Provide guidelines on managing vendor commitments, delivery schedules, and communication for our [Product/Service].
  2. Help me manage vendor commitments and delivery schedules for the supply of components for [Feature A] and [Feature B] in our [Product/Service].
  3. Draft a communication plan to inform vendors about changes in our requirements for [Feature A] and [Feature B] in our [Product/Service].
  4. Assist in managing vendor commitments for [Vendor A] and [Vendor B] for the supplies required in the development of [Product/Service].
  5. Draft a communication plan for [Vendor A] and [Vendor B] detailing changes in requirements for [Product/Service], focusing on components for [Feature A] and [Feature B].
  6. Help manage commitments from [Vendor A] and [Vendor B] for supplies required in [Product Name], focusing on components for [Feature A], [Feature B], and maintaining the delivery schedule for [Timeline/Phase].

Business Intelligence with Prompts

  1. Analyze the business data from Q1 for [Product/Service], summarize it into a meaningful report, and highlight potential areas of concern or opportunity.
  2. Summarize the business data from Q2 and Q3 for [Feature A] and [Feature B] in our [Product/Service].
  3. Highlight potential areas of concern or opportunity based on the sales data for [Feature A] and [Feature B] in our [Product/Service].
  4. Analyze business data from [Quarter/Year] and summarize insights related to the performance of [Feature A], [Feature B], and overall [Product/Service].
  5. Based on the data from [Quarter/Year], highlight potential areas of concern or opportunity for [Feature A], [Feature B], and the growth of our [Product/Service].
  6. Analyze our [Product Name] business data from [Period], provide insights about the performance of [Feature A], [Feature B], [Aspect C], and potential areas of improvement for [Aspect D].
  7. Analyze business data from [Quarter] for [Product Name], provide insights about the performance of [Feature A], [Feature B], how it affects our [KPI C] and [KPI D], and possible impact on [Future Projection E].

Risk Management with

  1. Identify potential risks in launching a new product in the XYZ market and suggest some mitigation strategies.
  2. Based on your understanding of common product development pitfalls, identify potential risks and suggest mitigation strategies for our upcoming [Product/Service].
  3. Identify potential risks and suggest mitigation strategies for the development of [Feature A] and [Feature B] in our [Product/Service].
  4. Based on your understanding of common product development pitfalls, evaluate the risks associated with adding [Feature A] and [Feature B] to our [Product/Service].
  5. Evaluate the risks associated with the introduction of [Feature A], modification of [Feature B], and potential impacts on our [Product/Service], providing suitable mitigation strategies.
  6. Identify potential risks and suggest mitigation strategies in the development of [Feature A], [Feature B] for our [Product Name], considering the impacts on [Aspect C] and [Aspect D].
  7. Identify potential risks and suggest mitigation strategies for the development of [Product Name] considering [Risk Factor A], [Risk Factor B], its possible impact on [Outcome C], [Outcome D], and methods to ensure [Desired Outcome E].

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