AI Prompts for College/University

ChatGPT Prompts for Data Science

Prompts for Writing Python

  1. I want you to act as a Python code generator and create a function that will do [task].
  2. I want you to act as a Python script writer and write a program that will scrape [data source] data from a website.
  3. I want you to act as a Python developer and write a module that will calculate [metric] using [dataset].

Prompts for Anomaly Detection

  1. I want you to act as a data scientist and detect [anomalies] in the [network traffic] of [organization] using [machine learning] algorithms.
  2. I want you to act as a security analyst and identify [intrusions] in the [system logs] of [server] using [anomaly detection] techniques.
  3. I want you to act as a fraud analyst and detect [fraudulent transactions] in the [financial data] of [company] using [statistical analysis] methods.

Prompts for Automatic Machine Learning

  1. I want you to act as an automatic machine learning (AutoML) bot using TPOT for me. I am working on a model that predicts […]. Please write python code to find the best classification model with the highest AUC score on the test set.
  2. I want you to act as an AutoML system and generate Python code to build a machine learning pipeline that optimizes [metric] on [dataset].
  3. I want you to act as an ML engineer and create an AutoML script that tunes [hyperparameters] to achieve the best performance on [dataset].
  4. I want you to act as a data scientist and use Auto-sklearn to automatically build a classification model that predicts [target variable] based on [features] features.

Prompts to Train Classification Model

  1. I want you to act as a data scientist and code for me. I have a dataset of [describe dataset]. Please build a machine learning model that predict [target variable].
  2. I want you to act as a data scientist and train a classification model to predict [target variable] based on [features] dataset.
  3. I want you to act as a machine learning engineer and build a classification model that can classify [label] based on [features] features.
  4. I want you to act as a deep learning specialist and train a convolutional neural network to classify [object] using [image format] images.

Prompts to Compare Function Speed

  1. I want you to act as a data scientist and code for me. I have a dataset of [describe dataset]. Please build a machine learning model that predict [target variable].
  2. I want you to act as a data scientist and train a classification model to predict [target variable] based on [features] dataset.
  3. I want you to act as a machine learning engineer and build a classification model that can classify [label] based on [features] features.
  4. I want you to act as a deep learning specialist and train a convolutional neural network to classify [object] using [image format] images.

Prompts to Compare Function Speed

  1. I want you to act as a software developer. I would like to compare the efficiency of two algorithms that performs the same thing in python. Please write code that helps me run an experiment that can be repeated for 5 times. Please output the runtime and other summary statistics of the experiment. [Insert functions]
  2. I want you to act as a performance tester and compare the speed of [function1] and [function2] when processing [input data] in [Python script].
  3. I want you to act as a data scientist and compare the speed of different [machine learning algorithms] on [dataset] using the [timeit] module.
  4. I want you to act as a speed optimizer and compare the speed of different [Python libraries] for [task] in [code snippet].

Prompts for Creating NumPy Array

  1. I want you to act as a data scientist. I need to create a numpy array. This numpy array should have the shape of (x,y,z). Please initialize the numpy array with random values.
  2. I want you to act as a data scientist and create a 1D NumPy array of [length] that contains [values].
  3. I want you to act as a Python developer and create a 2D NumPy array of shape [row, column] that represents the [matrix] in [dataset].
  4. I want you to act as a machine learning expert and create a random 3D NumPy array of shape [batch_size, height, width] that simulates [image data].

Prompts for Clustering

  1. I want you to act as a data scientist and cluster the [customers] in [dataset] into [n] groups based on their [purchase history].
  2. I want you to act as a machine learning expert and develop a [clustering model] that groups the [documents] in [dataset] based on their [content].
  3. I want you to act as a data analyst and visualize the [clusters] in [dataset] using [dimensionality reduction] techniques.

Prompts for Dimensionality Reduction

  1. I want you to act as a data scientist and reduce the [dimensionality] of the [image data] in [dataset] using [principal component analysis] technique.
  2. I want you to act as a data scientist and provide a step-by-step guide on how to perform [t-SNE] for my dataset.
  3. I want you to act as a data scientist and explain the difference between [PCA] and [LDA] and how they can be used for [dimensionality reduction] in my dataset.

Prompts to Tune Hyperparameter

  1. I want you to act as a data scientist and code for me. I have trained a [model name]. Please write the code to tune the hyper parameters.
  2. I want you to act as a hyperparameter tuner and optimize the [hyperparameter] of a [algorithm] algorithm to achieve the highest [metric] on [dataset].
  3. I want you to act as a machine learning expert and use Optuna to perform a Bayesian optimization of [hyperparameters] for a [model] on [dataset].
  4. I want you to act as a data scientist and perform a random search of [hyperparameters] for a [algorithm] algorithm to achieve the best [metric] on [dataset].

Prompts for Data Preprocessing

  1. I want you to act as a data analyst and preprocess the [raw data] in [dataset] by removing [duplicate records] and [missing values].
  2. I want you to act as a data engineer and preprocess the [time-series data] in [dataset] by resampling it to a [lower or higher frequency].
  3. I want you to act as a data scientist and preprocess the [text data] in [dataset] by [tokenizing] it and removing [stop words] and [punctuation marks].

Prompts to Explore Data

  1. I want you to act as a data scientist and code for me. I have a dataset of [describe dataset]. Please write code for data visualisation and exploration.
  2. I want you to act as a data analyst and generate a visualization that shows the distribution of [feature] in [dataset].
  3. I want you to act as a data scientist and generate summary statistics of [feature] in [dataset].
  4. I want you to act as a data explorer and clean [dataset] by removing missing values, duplicates, and outliers.

Prompts to  Generate Data

  1. I want you to act as a fake data generator. I need a dataset that has x rows and y columns: [insert column names]
  2. I want you to act as a data generator and create a synthetic dataset with [number of features] features and [number of instances] instances.
  3. I want you to act as a data scientist and generate a time series dataset with [seasonality] seasonality and [trend] trend.
  4. I want you to act as a data simulation expert and generate a dataset that simulates [process] with [parameters] parameters.

Prompts to Address Imbalance Data

  1. I want you to act as a coder. I have trained a machine learning model on an imbalanced dataset. The predictor variable is the column [Insert column name]. In python, how do I oversample and/or undersample my data?
  2. I want you to act as a data scientist and use SMOTE to oversample the minority class of [imbalanced dataset] for classification task.
  3. I want you to act as a machine learning expert and use stratified sampling to balance the distribution of [target variable] in [dataset].
  4. I want you to act as a data engineer and apply random undersampling to address the class imbalance in [imbalanced dataset] for training a model.

Prompts for Natural Language Processing (NLP)

  1. I want you to act as a machine learning expert and build a [text classification model] that classifies [customer feedback] in [dataset] as positive or negative.
  2. I want you to act as a data scientist and analyze the [sentiment] of the [reviews] in [dataset] using [natural language processing] techniques.
  3. I want you to act as a language model researcher and develop a [language model] that can generate [text data] similar to the [training data].

Prompts for Recommender Systems

  1. I want you to act as a data scientist and develop a [content-based recommender system] that suggests [articles] based on [user interests].
  2. I want you to act as a machine learning expert and build a [collaborative filtering model] that recommends [products] to [customers] based on their [purchase history].
  3. I want you to act as a data analyst and evaluate the [accuracy] of the [recommendations] generated by the [recommender system] in [dataset].

Prompts to Train Time Series

  1. I want you to act as a data scientist and code for me. I have a time series dataset [describe dataset]. Please build a machine learning model that predict [target variable]. Please use [time range] as train and [time range] as validation.
  2. I want you to act as a time series expert and build a recurrent neural network that predicts [target variable] based on [time series data].
  3. I want you to act as a data scientist and train a seasonal ARIMA model to forecast [variable] in [time series data] using [forecast horizon] forecast periods.
  4. I want you to act as a machine learning engineer and train a long short-term memory network that detects [event] in [sensor data].

Prompts for Time Series Forecasting

  1. I want you to act as a data scientist and forecast the [sales] of [product] for the next [n months] using [time series forecasting] techniques.
  2. I want you to act as a machine learning expert and develop a [neural network model] that predicts the [stock prices] of [company] based on [historical data].
  3. I want you to act as a time series analyst and analyze the [trends and patterns] in the [weather data] of [city] using [time series decomposition] techniques.

Prompts to Visualize Data

  1. I want you to act as a coder in python. I have a dataset [name] with columns [name]. [Describe graph requirements]
  2. I want you to act as a data visualization expert and create a [type of plot] that shows the relationship between [variable1] and [variable2] in [dataset].
  3. I want you to act as a data scientist and create a [type of plot] that displays the distribution of [variable] in [dataset] and compare it across different [categorical variable].
  4. I want you to act as a data analyst and create a [type of plot] that shows the trend of [variable] over time in [dataset].
  5. I want you to act as a coder. I have a folder of images. [Describe how files are organised in directory] [Describe how you want images to be printed]

Prompts to Explain Model with Lime & Shap

  1. I want you to act as a data scientist and explain the model’s results. I have trained a [library name] model and I would like to explain the output using LIME. Please write the code.
  2. I want you to act as a machine learning specialist and use Lime to explain how a [model] made a prediction for a specific instance in [dataset].
  3. I want you to act as a data scientist and use Lime to identify the important features that contributed to the prediction of [target variable] for [model] on [dataset].
  4. I want you to act as a model explainer and use Lime to explain how a [model] handles the interaction between [features] in [dataset].
  5. I want you to act as a data scientist and explain the model’s results. I have trained a scikit-learn XGBoost model and I would like to explain the output using a series of plots with Shap. Please write the code.

Prompts to Get Feature Importance

  1. I want you to act as a data scientist and explain the model’s results. I have trained a decision tree model and I would like to find the most important features. Please write the code.
  2. I want you to act as a data scientist and use [feature selection algorithm] to calculate the feature importance of [dataset] for [target variable].
  3. I want you to act as a machine learning expert and train a [model] on [dataset] to identify the top [number] most important features for [target variable].
  4. I want you to act as a data analyst and use the permutation feature importance technique to assess the importance of [features] for predicting [target variable] in [dataset].

Prompts to Validate Column

  1. I want you to act as a data scientist. Please write code to test if that my pandas Dataframe [insert requirements here]
  2. I want you to act as a data analyst and validate the [column] in [dataset] to ensure that it contains only [valid data type].
  3. I want you to act as a data quality analyst and validate the [column] in [dataset] to ensure that it contains only [acceptable range of values].
  4. I want you to act as a data scientist and validate the [column] in [dataset] to ensure that it is not affected by [missing values] and [outliers].

Prompts to Write Multithreaded Functions

  1. I want you to act as a coder. Can you help me parallelize this code across threads in python?
  2. I want you to act as a Python developer and write a multithreaded function that can perform [task] on [input] using [number of threads] threads.
  3. I want you to act as a performance optimizer and write a multithreaded function that can parallelize the [bottleneck task] in [code section] of [Python script].
  4. I want you to act as a concurrency expert and write a multithreaded function that can asynchronously process [list of tasks] with the help of a thread pool.

Prompts to Write Regex

  1. I want you to act as a coder. Please write me a regex in python that [describe regex]
  2. I want you to act as a regex writer and write a regular expression that matches [pattern] in [text].
  3. I want you to act as a data engineer and use regex to extract [data] from [log file].
  4. I want you to act as a web scraper and write a regex that matches [pattern] in [HTML source].

Prompts to Write Unit Test

  1. I want you to act as a software developer. Please write unit tests for the function [Insert function]. The test cases are: [Insert test cases]
  2. I want you to act as a Python developer and write a unit test for the [function] in [Python script] to verify that it returns the expected output when provided with [input].
  3. I want you to act as a software engineer and write a unit test to ensure that the [web service] handles [error condition] correctly.
  4. I want you to act as a test automation engineer and write a unit test to verify that the [GUI component] updates the [UI element] correctly when the [user action] is performed.

Prompts for Writing Code

  1. I want you to act as a data scientist using R. Can you write an R script that [Insert requirement here]
  2. I want you to act as a data scientist and write SQL code for me. I have a table with two columns [Insert column names]. I would like to calculate a running average for [which value]. What is the SQL code that works for PostgreSQL 14?
  3. I want you to act as a Linux terminal expert. Please write the code to [describe requirements]
  4. Assume you are given the tables… with the columns… Output the following… `[Question from Data Lemur)
  5. I want you to act as a bot that generates Google Sheets formula. Please generate a formula that [describe requirements]
  6. I want you to act as an Excel VBA developer. Can you write a VBA that [Insert function here]?

Prompts for Explaining Code

  1. I want you to act as a code explainer. What is this code doing? [paste your code]
  2. I want you to act as a Google Sheets formula explainer. Explain the following Google Sheets command. [Insert formula]
  3. I want you to act as a data science instructor. Can you please explain to me what this SQL code is doing? [Insert SQL code]

Prompts for Optimizing Code

  1. I want you to act as a code optimizer. The code is poorly written. How do I correct it? [Insert code here]
  2. I want you to act as a software developer. Please help me improve the time complexity of the code below. [Insert code]
  3. I want you to act as a code optimizer. Can you point out what’s wrong with the following Pandas code and optimize it? [Insert code here]
  4. I want you to act as a code simplifier. Can you simplify the following code? [Insert code here]
  5. I want you to act as an SQL code optimizer. The following code is slow. Can you help me speed it up? [Insert SQL]

Prompts for Translating Code

  1. I want you to act as a code translator. Can you please convert the following code from [python] to [R]? [Insert code]
  2. I want you to act as a coder and write SQL code for MySQL. What is the equivalent of PostgreSQL’s DATE_TRUNC for MySQL?

Prompt to Write Documentation

  1. I want you to act as a software developer. Please provide documentation for function below. [Insert function]

Prompt to Improve Readability

  1. I want you to act as a code analyzer. Can you improve the following code for readability and maintainability? [Insert code]

Prompts to Format SQL

  1. I want you to act as a SQL formatter. Please format the following SQL code. Please convert all reserved keywords to uppercase [Insert requirements]. [Insert Code]

Prompts to Explain Concepts

  1. I want you to act as a data science instructor. Explain [concept] to a five-year-old.
  2. I want you to act as a data science instructor. Explain [concept] to an undergraduate.
  3. I want you to act as a data science instructor. Explain [concept] to a professor.
  4. I want you to act as a data science instructor. Explain [concept] to a business stakeholder.
  5. I want you to act as an answerer on StackOverflow. You can provide code snippets, sample tables and outputs to support your answer. [Insert technical question]

Prompts for Suggesting Ideas

Suggest Ab Testing Steps

  1. I want you to act as a statistician. [Describe context] Please design an A/B test for this purpose. Please include the concrete steps on which statistical test I should run.

Suggest Dataset

  1. I want you to act as a data science career coach. I want to build a predictive model for […]. At the same time, I would like to showcase my knowledge in […]. Can you please suggest the five most relevant datasets for my use case?

Suggest Edge Cases

  1. I want you to act as a software developer. Please help me catch edge cases for this function [insert function]

Suggest Feature Engineering

  1. I want you to act as a data scientist and perform feature engineering. I am working on a model that predicts [insert feature name]. There are columns: [Describe columns]. Can you suggest features that we can engineer for this machine learning problem?

Suggest Portfolio Ideas

  1. I want you to act as a data science coach. My background is in […] and I would like to [career goal]. I need to build a portfolio of data science projects that will help me land a role in […] as a […]. Can you suggest five specific portfolio projects that will showcase my expertise in […] and are of relevance to [company]?

Suggest Resources

  1. I want you to act as a data science coach. I would like to learn about [topic]. Please suggest 3 best specific resources. You can include [specify resource type]

Suggest Time Complexity

  1. I want you to act as a software developer. Please compare the time complexity of the two algorithms below. [Insert two functions]

Career Coaching

  1. I want you to act as a career advisor. I am looking for a role as a [role name]. My background is […]. How do I land the role and with what resources exactly in 6 months?

Prompts for Troubleshooting Problem

Correct Python Code

  1. I want you to act as a software developer. This code is supposed to [expected function]. Please help me debug this python code that cannot be run. [Insert function]

Correct Own Chatgpt Code

  1. Your above code is wrong. [Point out what is wrong]. Can you try again?

Correct SQL Code

  1. I want you to act as a SQL code corrector. This code does not run in [your DBMS, e.g. PostgreSQL]. Can you correct it for me? [SQL code here]

Troubleshoot PowerBI Model

  1. I want you to act as a PowerBl modeler. Here is the details of my current project. [Insert details]. Do you see any problems with the table?
AI Prompts for College/University

ChatGPT Prompts for Coding 

ChatGPT Prompts for Writing Code

  1. Write a function in [language] to calculate the [mathematical concept].
  2. Create a [language] function to [perform task].
  3. Write a [language] program that [performs task] using [library or algorithm].
  4. Write a [language] script that reads from [data source] and outputs to [data destination].
  5. Can you generate a [language] code that implements [data structure or algorithm]?
  6. Can you provide a [language] script to parse [file format]?
  7. Implement a [language] function to handle [task].
  8. Create a [language] script to sort an array of [data type].
  9. Write a [language] function to find the [n-th element] in a [data structure].
  10. Implement a [language] program that reads [input] and writes [output].
  11. Show me how to write a [language] function that performs [specific task].
  12. How do I create a class in [language] with these attributes: [attributes list]?
  13. Write a [language] script to connect to a database and perform [database operation].
  14. Provide a [language] code to perform file operations like [file operations list].
  15. Create a [language] function that converts [data type A] into [data type B].
  16. Write a [language] script that interacts with [database] and performs [operations].
  17. Generate a [language] class to model a [real-world object] with these properties: [list of properties].
  18. Create a [language] function to [perform task] with the following inputs: [input variables].
  19. Write a [language] script to connect to [database] and execute [operation].
  20. Can you generate a [language] class for [object] with these attributes: [list of attributes]?
  21. Write a [language] script to process [data type] and achieve [task] with these requirements: [requirements list].
  22. Develop a [language] function to perform [task] using [methodology or library] with the inputs: [input variables].
  23. Can you help me code a [language] algorithm to solve [problem] given the constraints: [constraints list]?
  24. Could you create a [language] function to [task], which takes in [input variables] and returns [output], under these constraints [constraints list]?
  25. Write a [language] script to parse [file format], extract [information], and store the data in [data structure] following these requirements: [requirements list].
  26. Write a [language] function to calculate [mathematical concept] using [algorithm]. The function should take these inputs: [input variables] and return [expected output].
  27. Develop a [language] program to read [file type], perform [operations] and write the results to [output format].
  28. Create a [language] program that reads [input file type], performs [operations], then writes the results to [output file type] following the format: [format description].
  29. Implement a [language] script that uses [API] to retrieve [data type] and store it in [database].
  30. Write a [language] function named [function name] that performs [task]. The function should accept these inputs: [input variables] and return [expected output]. Also, handle the following edge cases: [edge case description].
  31. Implement a [language] script using [library/API] that retrieves [data type], performs [operation], and then stores it in [database] with a structure of [database schema].
  32. Implement a [language] algorithm for [task], given these input parameters [input parameters], it should output [expected output] and consider these constraints [constraints list].
  33. Please write a [language] function named [function name] to [task], which takes in [input variables] and returns [output], under these constraints [constraints list].
  34. Create a [language] script to parse [file format], extract [information], and store the data in [data structure] with the following requirements: [requirements list].
  35. Implement a [language] algorithm for [task], given these input parameters [input parameters], it should output [expected output] and consider these constraints [constraints list].

Prompts for Code Review and Debugging

  1. Can you identify any bugs in this [language] code snippet: [code snippet]?
  2. Review the given [language] code for potential scalability issues: [code snippet].
  3. Could you find potential issues in this [language] code: [code snippet]?
  4. Review this [language] function for errors: [code snippet].
  5. Can you find any performance issues in this [language] code: [code snippet]?
  6. Are there any security vulnerabilities in this [language] code: [code snippet]?
  7. Can you spot any potential problems with this [language] class definition: [code snippet]?
  8. Can you analyze this [language] code: [code snippet] and point out potential errors?
  9. Look over this [language] script: [code snippet]. Are there any bugs?
  10. Please review this [language] code for style and best practices: [code snippet].
  11. Do you see any memory leaks in this [language] code: [code snippet]?
  12. Can you review this [language] function: [code snippet] and suggest areas for error handling?
  13. I am concerned about security issues in this [language] code: [code snippet]. What are your thoughts?
  14. Review the following [language] function: [code snippet] and provide suggestions for error handling and potential bottlenecks.
  15. Help identify any potential security issues in the following [language] code: [code snippet] related to [specific vulnerability].
  16. Help me understand why this [language] function is not working as expected: [code snippet].
  17. What are the potential issues with this [language] recursive function: [code snippet]?
  18. Can you help me debug this error message from my [language] program: [error message]?
  19. Find any potential issues in this [language] code that processes [data type]: [code snippet].
  20. Can you spot the bug in this [language] function that handles [task]: [code snippet]?
  21. What’s wrong with this [language] method for [task]: [code snippet]?
  22. Could you review this [language] code that performs [task] and identify potential bugs or issues: [code snippet]?
  23. Help me debug this [language] script that processes [data type] and suggest possible fixes: [code snippet].
  24. Find the memory leaks in the following [language] code and suggest possible optimizations: [code snippet].
  25. Please review this [language] code that is supposed to [task] given the inputs [input variables] and return [output]: [code snippet].
  26. Find potential bugs in the [language] script that processes [data type] and outputs [output type]: [code snippet].
  27. Identify the logic error in this [language] function intended to [task] with these inputs: [input parameters] and expected output: [output description].
  28. Please review the following [language] code that is supposed to [task] given the inputs [input variables], return [output] and follows these coding guidelines: [coding guidelines]: [code snippet].
  29. Identify and fix potential bugs in the [language] script that processes [data type], uses these resources [resources list], and outputs [output type]: [code snippet].
  30. Find the logic error in this [language] function that is intended to [task], given these inputs: [input parameters], and expected to produce [output description], but currently gives [incorrect output].
  31. Debug the given [language] code: [code snippet]. It should perform [expected behavior], but it’s producing [current behavior].
  32. Review the following [language] function named [function name]: [code snippet]. Please identify any potential bugs, performance issues, and non-compliance with [coding standard].
  33. Debug the following [language] code: [code snippet]. It’s expected to perform [expected behavior] but instead, it’s producing [current behavior] when given inputs: [input examples].
  34. Please review the [language] function: [code snippet] for any potential memory leaks or performance issues when processing [data type] of size [data size].

Prompts for Code Explanation

  1. Can you explain what this [language] function does: [code snippet]?
  2. I’m having trouble understanding this [language] class. Can you explain it: [code snippet]?
  3. Could you break down this [language] loop and explain what it does: [code snippet]?
  4. Could you break down how this [language] function works: [code snippet]?
  5. What does this [language] recursive function do: [code snippet]?
  6. Help me understand what this [language] code snippet does: [code snippet].
  7. Could you explain the logic behind this [language] function: [code snippet]?
  8. Can you explain this [language] algorithm implementation: [code snippet]?
  9. Help me understand the workings of this [language] data structure implementation: [code snippet].
  10. Explain this [language] code that uses lambda functions: [code snippet].
  11. Can you help me understand this [language] script: [code snippet]?
  12. Explain what this [language] function does: [code snippet].
  13. What does this section of the [language] code do: [code snippet]?
  14. Can you walk me through the flow of this [language] script: [code snippet]?
  15. Please explain what the following block of [language] code does: [code snippet] and how it interacts with [system components].
  16. Can you explain the functionality of this [language] algorithm: [code snippet] and its expected output for given inputs: [input examples]?
  17. Break down this [language] class: [code snippet], and explain how its methods accomplish [task].
  18. Could you explain how this [language] function: [code snippet] works? Especially, how it uses [specific feature] to accomplish [task]?
  19. I’m struggling to understand the following block of [language] code: [code snippet]. Could you break it down for me, especially the part where it implements [algorithm or feature]?
  20. Can you explain how this [language] code: [code snippet] accomplishes [task] and why it uses [specific method or feature]?

Prompts for Optimizing Code

  1. Suggest improvements to optimize this [language] function: [code snippet].
  2. Can you provide a more efficient version of this [language] algorithm: [code snippet]?
  3. How can I improve the performance of this [language] script: [code snippet]?
  4. This [language] function: [code snippet] is running slower than I’d like. Any optimization suggestions?
  5. I need to improve the speed of this [language] algorithm: [code snippet]. What changes would you recommend?
  6. How could I make this [language] data processing code more efficient: [code snippet]?
  7. The following [language] function: [code snippet] runs slower than expected when processing [input type]. Any suggestions for optimization?
  8. How can I improve the performance of this [language] function: [code snippet] when handling [large dataset]?
  9. Provide optimization suggestions for the following [language] code: [code snippet] used to process [data type].
  10. How can I optimize this [language] function: [code snippet] to perform [task] more quickly when handling [large data size] and maintain accuracy of [accuracy requirement]?
  11. I have this [language] function: [code snippet]. It works as expected but runs slower than I’d like when handling [specific data]. Any suggestions for performance improvement?
  12. The following [language] code: [code snippet] performs [task]. However, it seems inefficient with [data type] of size [data size]. How can I optimize it?

Prompts for Code Improvements

  1. How can I make this [language] function more efficient: [code snippet]?
  2. Suggest alternative methods or functions to improve this [language] code: [code snippet].
  3. What are some improvements I can make to this [language] algorithm: [code snippet]?
  4. Can you suggest ways to make this [language] function more readable: [code snippet]?
  5. This [language] class: [code snippet] seems a bit convoluted. Any ideas for simplification?
  6. How could I refactor this [language] code to use more modern features: [code snippet]?
  7. Suggest ways to refactor this [language] function: [code snippet] to improve readability and maintainability.
  8. Can you provide alternative approaches to perform [task] for the given [language] code: [code snippet]?
  9. Provide recommendations to make this [language] code: [code snippet] more idiomatic and efficient.
  10. Please review this [language] function: [code snippet]. How can it be made more readable, efficient, and compliant with [specific coding standard]?
  11. Could you suggest improvements to this [language] code: [code snippet] to better handle [specific scenario] and follow the [best practice]?
  12. How can this [language] function: [code snippet] be refactored to improve readability, performance, and compatibility with [library/framework/API]?
  13. Can you suggest code improvements for this [language] function named [function name] that accomplishes [task] with these libraries [libraries list], inputs: [input variables], and expected output: [output]: [code snippet]?

Prompts for Learning New Concepts

  1. Explain the concept of [programming concept] in [language].
  2. Could you explain how [library or framework] works in [language]?
  3. I need help understanding the [programming paradigm] paradigm in [language].
  4. Can you explain the differences between [concept A] and [concept B] in [language]?
  5. What is the significance of [concept] when coding in [language]?
  6. How does [concept] impact the way we write [language] code?
  7. Explain how [concept] is used in [language] and provide a simple code example that uses [specific features].
  8. What are the key differences between [concept A] and [concept B] in [language] and how do they affect code performance?
  9. Can you explain [concept] in [language] and show me how it can be used in a real-world application such as [use case]?
  10. Can you explain the concept of [concept] in [language]? Also, could you provide a code example that uses it to perform [task] with [specific data type]?
  11. I’m trying to understand [concept] in [language]. Could you explain it with a practical example, especially in the context of [use case]?
  12. Explain the difference between [concept A] and [concept B] in [language], their performance implications, and use-cases where one would be preferable over the other.

Prompts for Design Patterns

  1. What is the best way to implement the [design pattern] pattern in [language]?
  2. Can you explain how the [design pattern] pattern works in [language]?
  3. How do I use the [design pattern] design pattern in this [language] code: [code snippet]?
  4. Could you provide an example of using the [design pattern] pattern in a [language] project?
  5. How could I apply the [design pattern] pattern to this [language] code: [code snippet]?
  6. What are the benefits of using the [design pattern] pattern in a [language] application?
  7. Provide an example of how to implement the [design pattern] in [language] for a software component that handles [task].
  8. What is the best way to apply the [design pattern] in [language] to solve [problem] in the given code: [code snippet]?
  9. Explain how the [design pattern] can be used to improve the following [language] code: [code snippet] used in [context].
  10. Could you show me how to implement the [design pattern] in [language] for a [specific system component] while considering [specific constraints]?
  11. Explain how to apply the [design pattern] in [language] to solve [specific problem] in the context of [application type]. Also, provide a code example.
  12. I have this [language] code: [code snippet]. How could I refactor it to follow the [design pattern] and improve [specific aspect]?

Prompts for Syntax Help

  1. What is the correct syntax to [perform task] in [language]?
  2. How do I use [command or function] in [language]?
  3. Can you show me the syntax to [perform task] in [language]?
  4. What’s the correct syntax for implementing [concept] in [language]?
  5. How can I use the [language feature] in [language]?
  6. I’m having trouble with the syntax for [concept] in [language]. Can you help?
  7. What is the correct syntax for performing [task] using [specific feature] in [language]?
  8. I’m struggling with the syntax for [concept] in [language]. Can you show me how to do it with a code example?
  9. How do I use the [specific syntax] in [language] to perform [operation] on [data type]?
  10. I’m unsure about the correct syntax for [operation] using [specific feature] in [language]. Could you provide an example where it’s used in [context]?
  11. Could you show me the proper syntax and usage of [feature] in [language] to accomplish [task] with [specific data type]?
  12. I need help with the syntax for [concept] in [language]. Can you show me a code snippet that uses it to solve [problem]?

Prompts for Code Refactoring

  1. Suggest a refactor for this [language] function: [code snippet].
  2. How can I make this [language] code more readable: [code snippet]?
  3. What are some ways I can refactor this [language] script for better performance: [code snippet]?
  4. I’d like to refactor this [language] code to be more object-oriented: [code snippet]. Any suggestions?
  5. Could you show me how to refactor this [language] function to be more idiomatic: [code snippet]?
  6. I’m considering refactoring this [language] script to use [concept or feature]: [code snippet]. How would you approach this?
  7. How can I refactor the following [language] code: [code snippet] to follow the [specific coding principle or pattern]?
  8. Could you show me how to refactor this [language] function: [code snippet] to use more modern features such as [specific feature]?
  9. Suggest a way to refactor the following [language] code: [code snippet] to improve [specific aspect].
  10. How can I refactor this [language] code: [code snippet] to improve [aspect] and align with [specific coding standard or principle]?
  11. I want to refactor this [language] function: [code snippet] to make it more idiomatic and maintainable. Additionally, it should handle [specific edge cases]. Any suggestions?
  12. Suggest a way to refactor this [language] code: [code snippet] to follow [specific design pattern] while improving [specific aspect].

Prompts for Brainstorming Ideas

  1. Can you suggest a few ideas for a [language] project involving [technology or concept]?
  2. What are some interesting features I could add to my [language] application?
  3. I need ideas for [language] functions to add to my [project type] project.
  4. Can you suggest some functionalities that I could add to my [type of software] using [language]?
  5. I’m working on a [language] project related to [domain]. What are some interesting features I could implement?
  6. I’m creating a [language] application for [use case]. What modules or functionalities would be useful?
  7. I’m starting a [language] project related to [domain]. What are some key features that could make it stand out?
  8. I’m creating a [language] application to solve [problem]. Can you suggest some unique functionalities or design ideas?
  9. How can I use [language] to implement innovative features in a [type of software] project?
  10. I’m planning to develop a [language] application in the [domain]. What are some innovative features I can implement considering the latest [industry trend]?
  11. I need to create a [language] project to solve [problem]. Can you help me brainstorm some design ideas and potential challenges considering [specific context]?

 Prompts for Interview Preparation

  1. Can you provide some common [language] interview questions?
  2. I’m preparing for an interview. Could you give me some tricky [language] questions and their solutions?
  3. What are some challenging [language] tasks I might be asked to code during an interview?
  4. What are some common [language] problems asked in coding interviews related to [concept]?
  5. Can you provide some example tasks in [language] that are commonly used to test [concept] in interviews?
  6. I have an interview coming up for a [language] position focusing on [specific topic]. Could you provide me with some common interview questions and solutions?
  7. What are some challenging problems in [language] related to [concept] that are often asked in technical interviews?
  8. I’m preparing for an interview that requires knowledge of [language] and [concept]. Could you provide me some practice questions?
  9. I’m preparing for a coding interview in [language]. Could you give me an example of a common question about [topic], its optimal solution, and an explanation of its complexity?
  10. For my upcoming [language] coding interview, could you provide a complex problem about [topic], its step-by-step solution, and an analysis of its time and space complexity?
  11. I am preparing for a [language] coding interview. Can you give me a problem related to [topic], a sample optimal solution, and a brief walkthrough of how it works?

Prompts for Learning and Using APIs

  1. Can you provide an example of using the [API] in [language]?
  2. Explain how to use the [specific endpoint] in the [API] using [language].
  3. How do I authenticate and make a request to [API] in [language]?
  4. Can you show me how to interact with the [API] using [language] to achieve [specific task]?
  5. How would I go about making a [type of request] to [API] using [language]?
  6. I’m trying to use the [API] in my [language] project. Can you help me understand how to use [specific endpoint]?
  7. I’m trying to use the [API] in my [language] project. How can I use it to perform [task]?
  8. Can you show me how to use [specific endpoint] from the [API] using [language] to achieve [specific result]?
  9. How do I authenticate and make a [type of request] to [API] using [language]?
  10. I’m learning the [API name] in [language]. Can you explain how to use the [specific endpoint/method] with [specific parameters] to perform [task]?
  11. Could you give me an example of how to use the [API name] in [language] to retrieve [data type], filter with [criteria], and handle [specific error]?

Prompts for Understanding Error Messages

  1. I’m getting this error message when running my [language] code: [error message]. What does it mean?
  2. Can you explain this [language] compiler error: [error message]?
  3. I don’t understand this [language] runtime error: [error message]. Can you help?
  4. I got this error message in my [language] code: [error message]. What could be causing it?
  5. I don’t understand what this [language] error message means: [error message]. Can you explain it to me?
  6. While running my [language] code, I encountered this error: [error message]. How can I resolve it?
  7. I encountered this error message when running my [language] code: [error message]. What does it mean and how can I fix it?
  8. I received the following error message when trying to implement [task] in [language]: [error message]. Can you explain what’s going wrong?
  9. Help me understand this error message from my [language] code: [error message] and suggest possible solutions.
  10. I’m getting this error message: [error message] when I try to run my [language] code: [code snippet]. What does it mean and how can I fix it?
  11. Could you explain the meaning of this [language] error message: [error message] that occurs when executing the function: [code snippet] using [input data]?
  12. I encountered this error message: [error message] while working with [language] on [task]. Could you explain what’s causing it and suggest a way to resolve it?

Prompts for Project Management & Agile Methodologies

  1. Can you explain the principles of Agile in the context of a [type of project] project?
  2. What are the best practices for managing a [type of project] project using Agile methodologies?
  3. Can you explain how to apply Agile methodologies in a [language] project with [specific conditions]?
  4. What project management best practices should I consider for my [language] project on [platform or domain]?
  5. How can I apply Agile principles to manage my [language] development project with a team of [team size]?
  6. What are the benefits of using Scrum in a [language] project developed for [industry/domain]?
  7. I’m leading a [language] project with [team size] developers. Can you provide best practices for managing the project using Agile methodologies?
  8. Can you explain how to implement the [Agile methodology] in a [project type] with a team size of [number] and during [specific constraints]?
  9. I’m managing a [project type] using the [Agile methodology]. Could you provide guidance on how to handle [specific challenge] considering our team size of [number] and [specific condition]?
  10. How can I adapt [Agile methodology] for a [project type] to achieve [specific goal] while dealing with [specific challenge] and within [specific timeframe]?

Prompts for Regular Expressions

  1. Explain this regular expression in [language]: [regex].
  2. Can you help me create a regular expression in [language] that matches [pattern]?
  3. How do I use regular expressions to [perform task] in [language]?
  4. Can you help me create a regular expression in [language] to extract [specific pattern] from [type of text]?
  5. How can I use a regular expression in [language] to replace [specific pattern] in [type of text]?
  6. I need a regular expression in [language] that matches [pattern] in a [context]. Can you help me construct one?
  7. Can you help me understand this regular expression in [language]: [regex]? It is supposed to match [pattern].
  8. I want to use a regular expression in [language] to replace [pattern A] with [pattern B] in [text or code snippet]. Can you help?
  9. How do I create a regular expression in [language] that matches [pattern] in a [data type] and handles [specific edge case]?
  10. I need to write a regular expression in [language] to parse [specific pattern] from [data type]. Can you guide me on that and also explain how it works?
  11. Can you explain how to write a regular expression in [language] to extract [specific pattern] from [data type], considering [specific scenario]?
AI Prompts for College/University

ChatGPT Prompts for Programmers

Prompts for Writing Codes

  1. Write a function that takes in [input] and returns [output].
  2. Write a script that [does something] when [a certain condition] is met.
  3. Write a program that [what the program should do].
  4. Develop a [programming language] script that [description of functionality].
  5. Craft a function that [description of function] in [programming language].
  6. Generate a program that reads [input source] and outputs [desired output] in [programming language].
  7. Come up with a solution that solves [problem description] in [programming language] and explain how it works.
  8. I want you to act as a Python developer and write a function that takes a [data type] as an input and returns the [output].
  9. As a web developer, I need you to generate a [number] by [number] grid of HTML divs with a [color] background.
  10. I want you to act as a Python programmer and create a program that [does something specific] using [a specific library].
  11. I want you to act as a web developer and write HTML and CSS code for a [specific type of web page], with [specific features].
  12. I want you to act as a data scientist and write Python code to [clean, analyze, visualize, or model] a dataset on [a specific topic].
  13. I want you to act as a mobile app developer and write Java code to create [a specific feature] for an Android app.
  14. I want you to act as a game developer and write C# code to create [a specific game mechanic] for a 2D platformer game.
  15. Rewrite this Python code: [Python code here]
  16. Rewrite this [programming language] code using [specific feature or method]: [paste your code here]

Prompts for Generating Code Snippets

  1. Create a code snippet for [specific programming task or function].
  2. Generate a sample code for [specific library or framework] usage.
  3. Provide a code snippet for handling [specific error or exception] in [programming language].
  4. Craft a code snippet for [specific algorithm or data structure].
  5. Come up with a code snippet for [specific UI component or feature].
  6. Can you generate a code snippet for [specific algorithm/data structure] in [programming language/technology/framework]?
  7. Please provide a code snippet for [specific functionality] in [programming language/technology/framework].
  8. Give me a code snippet that demonstrates how to use [specific library or tool] in [programming language].
  9. I want you to act as a code generator and provide a [programming language/technology/framework] code snippet for [specific task].

Prompts for Conducting Code Reviews

  1. Review my code and suggest any improvements or optimizations: [paste your code here]
  2. Point out any potential bugs or errors in my code: [paste your code here]
  3. Explain how to write more readable and maintainable code.
  4. Review my code for security vulnerabilities and suggest any fixes: [paste your code here]
  5. Can you provide feedback on my [programming language/technology/framework] code and suggest some improvements?
  6. Please review my [programming language/technology/framework] code for potential bugs and optimization opportunities.
  7. I want you to act as a code reviewer and review my [programming language/technology/framework] code for [specific task].

Prompts for Debugging

  1. Debug this code: [paste your code here]
  2. Give me code with errors in [programing language] for practicing debugging.
  3. What could be causing [specific error message] in this code: [paste your code here]
  4. How can I troubleshoot [specific issue] in my code: [paste your code here]
  5. What are some debugging tools or techniques for [programming language]?
  6. Help me diagnose and fix [specific problem] in my code: [paste your code here]
  7. Explain how to use breakpoints and debugging statements in [programming language].
  8. What are some common techniques for troubleshooting [specific issue] in [programming language/technology/framework]?
  9. I want you to act as a debugger and help me fix [specific error/bug] in my code.

Prompts for Predicting Errors

  1. Predict any potential errors or bugs in my code related to [specific functionality or module]: [paste your code here]
  2. What could be causing [specific issue] in my code and how to fix it: [paste your code here]
  3. Explain how to prevent [specific type of error or bug] in my code: [paste your code here]
  4. Help me anticipate any issues or errors that might arise during [specific phase of software development].
  5. What are some common errors or bugs in [specific programming language or framework] and how to avoid them?
  6. I want you to act as a fortune teller and predict potential errors in my [programming language/technology/framework] code for [specific task].

Prompts for CSS Development

  1. Provide a CSS file structure for [specific project].
  2. Suggest a CSS preprocessor for [specific project].
  3. Recommend a CSS framework for [specific project].
  4. Explain the difference between grid and flexbox layouts and recommend which one to use for [specific project].
  5. Suggest ways to improve CSS performance for [specific project].
  6. I want you to act as a CSS expert and recommend a CSS framework for [project name].
  7. I want you to act as a CSS consultant and provide a list of best practices for cross-browser compatibility.

Prompts for Database Management

  1. Explain the difference between SQL and NoSQL databases and recommend which one to use for [specific use case].
  2. Provide a database schema for [specific project].
  3. Recommend ways to optimize database performance for [specific use case].
  4. Explain the concept of database normalization and recommend a normalization level for [specific project].
  5. Suggest a database backup and recovery strategy for [specific project].
  6. I want you to act as a database administrator and suggest ways to optimize the database for [database name] with [number] tables.
  7. I want you to act as a database consultant and provide a list of best practices for [database type] security.

Prompts for Getting Programming Knowledge

  1. Explain [topic]
  2. Explain [programming concept] in simple terms.
  3. Explain this code: [paste your code here]
  4. List some important programming languages for [specific purpose].
  5. What are the differences between [two programming concepts or languages]?
  6. What are the common errors in [programming language] and how to fix them?
  7. Describe the basics of object-oriented programming.
  8. Please provide an overview of [programming language/technology/framework].
  9. Can you explain [algorithm/data structure/terminology] in [programming language]?
  10. I want you to act as a [programming language] expert and explain [programming concept] to me.

Prompts for Getting Coding Advice and Best Practices

  1. Provide some tips for writing efficient [programming language] code.
  2. Suggest ways to improve the performance of [specific part of code].
  3. What are some best practices for coding [specific type of application]?
  4. What are some common coding mistakes to avoid when [doing specific task]?
  5. Explain how to use [specific coding tool or library].
  6. What are some common mistakes to avoid when writing [programming language] code?
  7. Can you provide some tips on writing clean and efficient code in [programming language/technology/framework]?
  8. I want you to act as a mentor and suggest some coding best practices for [specific task].

Prompts for Understanding Complex Programming Concepts

  1. What is [specific concept or technology] and how does it work?
  2. Explain the difference between [two related concepts or technologies].
  3. What are some real-world examples of [specific concept or technology] in use?
  4. What are the benefits and drawbacks of using [specific programming paradigm or methodology]?
  5. Describe the architecture and components of [specific software application or system].
  6. Please explain [specific algorithm/data structure] and its implementation in [programming language/technology/framework].
  7. I want you to act as a programmer who has more than 20 years of experience. Explain [complex programming concept] in simple terms.

Prompts for UI Development

  1. Suggest me some ideas for UI wireframes for [specific project].
  2. Suggest a color scheme for [specific UI element].
  3. Recommend a UI framework for [specific project].
  4. Explain the difference between responsive and adaptive design and recommend which one to use for [specific project].
  5. Suggest ways to improve UI accessibility for [specific project].
  6. I want you to act as a UI designer and suggest a color scheme for [application name].
  7. I want you to act as a UI expert and provide best practices for responsive design for [platform name].

Prompts for Design Patterns Help

  1. Suggest [number] design patterns for [specific use case].
  2. Recommend a design pattern for [specific problem].
  3. Provide examples of when to use [specific design pattern].
  4. Explain the differences between [two design patterns] and recommend which one to use for [specific use case].
  5. List the advantages and disadvantages of [specific design pattern] and recommend whether to use it or not for [specific use case].
  6. Can you provide an overview of the most commonly used design patterns in [programming language/technology/framework] and suggest a suitable one for [specific task]?
  7. Please suggest a design pattern for optimizing [specific functionality] in my [programming language/technology/framework] code.
  8. I want you to act as a design pattern expert and recommend a suitable pattern for [specific task] in [programming language/technology/framework].

Prompts for Project Management

  1. Explain [specific project management methodology] and its benefits.
  2. Provide a project management plan for [specific task/project].
  3. Suggest ways to improve project team communication and collaboration.
  4. List common project management pitfalls and suggest ways to avoid them.
  5. Recommend a project management tool for [specific task/project].
  6. Can you provide some guidance on how to manage [specific task] project in [programming language/technology/framework]?
  7. I want you to act as a project management assistant and suggest ways to prioritize tasks for [project name].
  8. I want you to act as a project management expert and recommend tools to manage [team size] members working remotely.

Prompts for Getting Server-side (Backend) Help

  1. Explain the difference between server-side rendering and client-side rendering and recommend which one to use for [specific project].
  2. Suggest a server-side language and framework for [specific project].
  3. Provide a server deployment plan for [specific project].
  4. Recommend ways to improve server security for [specific project].
  5. Explain the concept of load balancing and suggest a load balancing strategy for [specific project].
  6. I want you to act as a server-side developer and suggest a server architecture for [application name].
  7. I want you to act as a server-side expert and recommend a programming language for [project type].
  8. I want you to act as a server-side consultant and provide a list of best practices for server security.

Prompts for Software Development Methodologies

  1. List [popular software development methodologies]
  2. Explain [agile development]
  3. Provide resources on [waterfall methodology]
  4. Describe [scrum process]
  5. Suggest methodologies for [small teams]
  6. I want you to act as a software development methodology expert and recommend a methodology for [project type] development.

Prompts for Software Architectures

  1. Explain [client-server architecture]
  2. Describe [microservices architecture]
  3. Suggest architectures for [high-traffic websites]
  4. Give me an example of [event-driven architecture]
  5. Provide resources on [service-oriented architecture]
  6. I want you to act as a software architecture expert and recommend an architecture for [project type].

Prompts for Software Testing and Quality Assurance

  1. Explain [test-driven development]
  2. List [types of software testing]
  3. Describe [quality assurance process]
  4. Provide resources on [test automation]
  5. Suggest tools for [performance testing]
  6. Please explain [software testing process] for [specific type of project].
  7. How can I improve [software quality] in my [project type]?
  8. I want you to act as a [tester], what are some [software testing techniques] for [language or platform]?

Prompts for Software Maintenance and Updates

  1. Suggest ways to [manage technical debt]
  2. Explain [continuous integration]
  3. List [software maintenance best practices]
  4. Describe [software patching process]
  5. How often should I [maintain my software] for [specific type of project]?
  6. Can you suggest some [software maintenance strategies] for [language or platform]?
  7. What are some ways to [update software] for [specific type of project]?

Prompts for Optimizing Software Performance and Scalability

  1. Explain [caching]
  2. Describe [load balancing]
  3. Provide resources on [optimizing database performance]
  4. Suggest ways to [scale horizontally]
  5. Explain [content delivery networks]
  6. How can I optimize software performance for [specific type of project]?
  7. Can you suggest some [software optimization techniques] for [language or platform]?
  8. Please explain [software scalability strategies] for [specific type of project].
  9. Suggest ways to optimize the performance of [code block or program] in [programming language].

Prompts for Software Documentation and Technical Writing

  1. Explain [API documentation]
  2. Provide resources on [writing technical documentation]
  3. Describe [developer documentation]
  4. Suggest tools for [diagramming software architecture]
  5. Give me an example of [documentation best practices]
  6. How can I write effective technical documentation for my [project type]?
  7. Please explain the [software documentation process] for [specific type of project].
  8. I want you to act as a [technical writer], can you suggest some [software documentation tools] for [language or platform]?

Prompts for Email Writing

  1. Write an email [on a specific topic]
  2. Create an email [with a specific tone]
  3. Explain email etiquette [in a professional setting]
  4. Give me an example of [an email opening]
  5. Suggest ways to improve [email subject lines]
  6. I want you to act as an email communication expert and recommend ways to structure an email for [client type].

Prompts for Interview Preparation

  1. Provide common interview questions for [specific programming language].
  2. Suggest ways to improve technical communication skills for interviews.
  3. Recommend a coding challenge website for interview practice.
  4. Explain the concept of algorithm complexity and provide examples of calculating time complexity.
  5. Provide tips for demonstrating problem-solving skills in interviews.
  6. I want you to act as an interview expert and provide a list of commonly asked coding questions in [language name].

Prompts for Getting Recommendations of Tools and Resources

  1. What are some good IDEs or text editors for coding in [programming language]?
  2. Suggest [front-end frameworks]
  3. Provide resources on [back-end frameworks]
  4. List [popular programming languages]
  5. Recommend [version control systems]
  6. Please suggest a [software development framework] for [project type].
  7. Can you recommend any [software development tool] for [specific task or purpose]?
  8. I want you to act as a [programmer], recommend a [software development tool] for [language or platform].
  9. Can you recommend some [programming language/technology/framework] tools for [specific task]?
  10. Suggest some libraries or frameworks for developing [specific type of application].
  11. Where can I find reliable documentation for [programming language or technology]?
  12. What are some useful online resources for learning [programming concept or technology]?
  13. What are some popular online communities or forums for [programming language or technology]?
  14. I want you to act as a consultant and suggest some useful [programming language/technology/framework] resources for [specific task].
AI Prompts for College/University

ChatGPT Prompts for Developers

Prompts for Code Generation

  1. Write [programming language] code to accomplish [task or feature].
  2. Generate [programming language] code for [task or feature].
  3. Craft a code snippet in [programming language] for [task or feature].
  4. Develop a function in [programming language] to [task or feature].
  5. Produce a script in [programming language] that does [task or feature].
  6. How can I generate code for [functionality] in [programming language]?
  7. Can you create code for [specific feature] in [programming language]?
  8. I want you to act as a code generator and create a [language] code for [task] using [framework or library]

Prompts for Code Completion

  1. Complete this code: [paste your code here]
  2. Provide code completions for [partial code snippet].
  3. Suggest code completions for [programming language] code that [context of code].
  4. Come up with code suggestions for [partial code snippet].
  5. List possible code completions for [programming language] code that [context of code].
  6. Generate code completions for [programming language] code based on [context of code].
  7. How can I complete [partial code] in [programming language]
  8. Can you suggest code completion for [partial code] in [programming language]
  9. Provide code suggestions for [specific functionality] in [programming language]
  10. I want you to act as a code completion tool and suggest code completion for [incomplete code snippet]

Prompts for Debugging Assistance

  1. Debug this code: [paste your code here]
  2. Explain the potential issues with [code snippet].
  3. List possible errors or warnings in [programming language] code.
  4. How can I fix [error message] in [programming language] code?
  5. Suggest possible solutions to [problem with code].
  6. Provide guidance on how to resolve [issue with code].
  7. Provide suggestions to fix [specific issue] in [programming language] code.
  8. Can you explain the cause of [specific error] in [programming language] code?
  9. I want you to act as a debugging assistant and provide me with possible reasons why [error message or behavior] is occurring.

Prompts for Code Optimization

  1. Rewrite [programming language] code to improve [performance/scalability/reliability] : [paste your code here]
  2. Suggest ways to optimize [programming language] code for [performance/scalability/reliability].
  3. How can I refactor [programming language] code to make it more efficient?
  4. Come up with ideas to parallelize [programming language] code.
  5. Explain how to implement caching in [programming language] code.
  6. How can I optimize [functionality] in [programming language] code?
  7. Suggest ways to improve the performance of [specific feature] in [programming language] code.
  8. Can you recommend any optimization techniques for [programming language] code?
  9. I want you to act as a code optimizer and suggest improvements for [code snippet] to optimize its performance.

Prompts for Programming Languages and Frameworks

  1. Explain how to use [library/framework] in [programming language].
  2. How can I implement [feature] in [programming language] using [library/framework]?
  3. List the built-in functions in [programming language] that accomplish [task].
  4. What is the best way to handle [problem] in [programming language]?
  5. How can I use [specific library/framework] in [programming language]?
  6. Provide examples of [specific functionality] in [programming language] using [library/framework].
  7. Can you explain [programming language] syntax for [specific task]?

Prompts for Software Design

  1. Explain the concept of object-oriented design.
  2. Describe common design patterns and their use cases.
  3. How do I design a software architecture for [project]?
  4. Provide guidance on how to write clean, maintainable code.
  5. What are some best practices for software design?
  6. How can I implement [specific design pattern] in [programming language]?
  7. Provide suggestions for improving the design of [specific feature] in [programming language] code.
  8. Can you explain [specific architectural style] in software design?
  9. I want you to act as a software designer and suggest a suitable software architecture for [project or application].

Prompts for Development Environments and Tools

  1. How can I set up [IDE/editor] for [programming language] development?
  2. Explain how to use [version control system] for [project].
  3. How can I configure [build system] for [programming language] project?
  4. Suggest plugins/extensions for [IDE/editor] to improve [programming language] development.
  5. List the debugging tools available for [programming language] development.

Prompts for Documentation Generation

  1. Generate API documentation for [programming language] codebase.
  2. Describe the process of generating documentation from [programming language] codebase.
  3. Provide guidance on writing effective documentation for [software solution].
  4. What tools are available for automatically generating documentation from [programming language] codebase?
  5. Provide instructions for generating user manuals from [programming language] code.
  6. I want you to act as a documentation generator and create a [type of documentation] document for [code or project]
AI Prompts for College/University

ChatGPT Prompts for Academic Writing 

Prompts for Idea Generation

  1. Suggest some potential topics on [your broader subject or theme] for an academic paper.
  2. Suggest some potential topics within the field of [your broader subject] related to [specific interest or theme].
  3. I’m exploring the field of [broader subject, e.g., “psychology”]. Could you suggest some topics that intersect with [specific interest, e.g., “child development”] and are relevant to [specific context or region, e.g., “urban settings in Asia”]?
  4. Within the realm of [broader subject, e.g., “philosophy”], I’m intrigued by [specific interest, e.g., “existentialism”]. Could you recommend topics that bridge it with [another field or theme, e.g., “modern technology”] in the context of [specific region or era, e.g., “21st-century Europe”]?
  5. Act as my brainstorming partner. I’m working on [your broader subject or theme]. What topics could be pertinent for an academic paper?
  6. Act as my brainstorming partner for a moment. Given the broader subject of [discipline, e.g., ‘sociology’], can you help generate ideas that intertwine with [specific theme or interest, e.g., ‘social media’] and cater to an audience primarily from [region or demographic, e.g., ‘South East Asia’]?

Prompts for Structuring Content

  1. How should I structure my paper on [your specific topic]? Provide an outline or potential section headers.
  2. I’m writing a paper about [your specific topic]. How should I structure it and which sub-topics should I cover within [chosen section, e.g., “Literature Review”]?
  3. For a paper that discusses [specific topic, e.g., “climate change”], how should I structure the [chosen section, e.g., “Literature Review”] and integrate studies from [specific decade or period, e.g., “the 2010s”]?
  4. I’m compiling a paper on [specific topic, e.g., “biodiversity loss”]. How should I arrange the [chosen section, e.g., “Discussion”] to incorporate perspectives from [specific discipline, e.g., “socio-economics”] and findings from [specified region or ecosystem, e.g., “tropical rainforests”]?
  5. Act as an editor for a moment. Based on a paper about [your specific topic], how would you recommend I structure it? Are there key sections or elements I should include?
  6. Act as a structural consultant for my paper on [topic, e.g., ‘quantum physics’]. Could you suggest a logical flow and potential section headers, especially when I aim to cover aspects like [specific elements, e.g., ‘quantum entanglement and teleportation’]?
  7. Act as my editorial guide. For a paper focused on [specific topic, e.g., “quantum computing”], how might I structure my [chosen section, e.g., “Findings”]? Especially when integrating viewpoints from [specific discipline, e.g., “software engineering”] and case studies from [specified region, e.g., “East Asia”]?

Prompts for Proofreading

  1. Review this passage for grammatical or stylistic errors: [paste your text here].
  2. Review this paragraph from my [type of document, e.g., “thesis”] for grammatical or stylistic errors: [paste your text here].
  3. Please review this passage from my [type of document, e.g., “dissertation”] on [specific topic, e.g., “renewable energy”] for potential grammatical or stylistic errors: [paste your text here].
  4. Kindly scrutinize this segment from my [type of document, e.g., “journal article”] concerning [specific topic, e.g., “deep-sea exploration”]. Highlight any linguistic or structural missteps and suggest how it might better fit the style of [target publication or audience, e.g., “Nature Journal”]: [paste your text here].
  5. Act as my proofreader. In this passage: [paste your text here], are there any grammatical or stylistic errors I should be aware of?
  6. Act as my preliminary proofreader. I’ve drafted a section for my [type of document, e.g., “research proposal”] about [specific topic, e.g., “nanotechnology”]. I’d value feedback on grammar, coherence, and alignment with [target publication or style, e.g., “IEEE standards”]: [paste your text here].

Prompts for Citation Guidance

  1. How do I format this citation in [desired style, e.g., APA, MLA]? Here’s the source: [paste source details here].
  2. I’m referencing a [type of source, e.g., “conference paper”] authored by [author’s name] in my document. How should I format this citation in the [desired style, e.g., “Chicago”] style?
  3. Act as a citation guide. I need to reference a [source type, e.g., ‘journal article’] for my work. How should I format this using the [citation style, e.g., ‘APA’] method?
  4. Act as my citation assistant. I’ve sourced a [type of source, e.g., “web article”] from [author’s name] published in [year, e.g., “2018”]. How should I present this in [desired style, e.g., “MLA”] format?

Prompts for Paraphrasing

  1. Can you help me paraphrase this statement? [paste your original statement here].
  2. Help me convey the following idea from [source author’s name] in my own words: [paste the original statement here].
  3. I’d like to reference an idea from [source author’s name]’s work on [specific topic, e.g., “quantum physics”]. Can you help me paraphrase this statement without losing its essence: [paste the original statement here]?
  4. Act as a wordsmith. I’d like a rephrased version of this statement without losing its essence: [paste your original statement here].
  5. Act as my rephraser. Here’s a statement from [author’s name]’s work on [topic, e.g., ‘cognitive development’]: [paste original statement here]. How can I convey this without plagiarizing?
  6. Act as my plagiarism prevention aid. I’d like to include insights from [source author’s name]’s research on [specific topic, e.g., “solar energy”]. Help me convey this in my own words while maintaining the tone of my [type of work, e.g., “doctoral thesis”]: [paste the original statement here].

Prompts for Vocabulary Enhancement

  1. I want a more academic or sophisticated way to express this: [paste your sentence or phrase here].
  2. In the context of [specific field or subject], can you suggest a more academic way to express this phrase: [paste your phrase here]?
  3. I’m writing a paper in the field of [specific discipline, e.g., “bioinformatics”]. How can I convey this idea more academically: [paste your phrase here]?
  4. Within the purview of [specific discipline, e.g., “astrophysics”], I wish to enhance this assertion: [paste your phrase here]. What terminologies or phrasing would resonate more with an audience well-versed in [related field or topic, e.g., “stellar evolution”]?
  5. Act as my thesaurus. For this phrase: [paste your sentence or phrase here], is there a more academic or sophisticated term or phrase I could use?
  6. Act as a lexicon expert in [field, e.g., ‘neuroscience’]. How might I express this idea more aptly: [paste your phrase here]?

Prompts for Clarifying Concepts

  1. Can you explain the concept of [specific term or concept] in the context of academic research?
  2. In [specific field, e.g., “sociology”], what does [specific term or concept] mean? And how does it relate to [another term or concept]?
  3. In the realm of [specific discipline, e.g., “neuroscience”], how would you define [term or concept A], and how does it differentiate from [term or concept B]?
  4. Act as my tutor. I’m a bit lost on the concept of [specific term or concept]. Can you break it down for me in the context of [specific academic field]?
  5. Act as my academic tutor for a moment. I’ve encountered some challenging terms in [specific discipline, e.g., “metaphysics”]. Could you elucidate the distinctions between [term A], [term B], and [term C], especially when applied in [specific context or theory, e.g., “Kantian philosophy”]?

Prompts for Draft Review

  1. Please provide feedback on this excerpt from my draft: [paste excerpt here].
  2. Could you review this excerpt from my [type of document, e.g., “research proposal”] and provide feedback on [specific aspect, e.g., “clarity and coherence”]: [paste excerpt here]?
  3. I’d appreciate feedback on this fragment from my [type of document, e.g., “policy analysis”] that centers on [specific topic, e.g., “renewable energy adoption”]. Specifically, I’m looking for guidance on its [specific aspect, e.g., “argumentative flow”] and how it caters to [intended audience, e.g., “policy-makers in Southeast Asia”]: [paste excerpt here].
  4. Act as a reviewer for my journal submission. Could you critique this section of my draft: [paste excerpt here]?
  5. Act as my critique partner. I’ve written a segment for my [type of document, e.g., “literature review”] on [specific topic, e.g., “cognitive biases”]. Could you assess its [specific quality, e.g., “objectivity”], especially considering its importance for [target audience or application, e.g., “clinical psychologists”]: [paste excerpt here].

Prompts for Reference Pointers

  1. Can you recommend key papers or studies related to [your topic or research question]?
  2. I need references related to [specific topic] within the broader field of [your subject area]. Can you suggest key papers or authors?
  3. I’m researching [specific topic, e.g., “machine learning in healthcare”]. Can you suggest seminal works from the [specific decade, e.g., “2000s”] within the broader domain of [your general field, e.g., “computer science”]?
  4. My study orbits around [specific topic, e.g., “augmented reality in education”]. I’m especially keen on understanding its evolution during the [specific time frame, e.g., “late 2010s”]. Can you direct me to foundational papers or figures within [your overarching domain, e.g., “educational technology”]?
  5. Act as a literature guide. I’m diving into [your topic or research question]. Do you have suggestions for seminal papers or must-read studies?
  6. Act as my literary guide. My work revolves around [specific topic, e.g., “virtual reality in pedagogy”]. I’d appreciate direction towards key texts or experts from the [specific era, e.g., “early 2000s”], especially those that highlight applications in [specific setting, e.g., “higher education institutions”].

Prompts for Writing Prompts

  1. I’m facing writer’s block on [your topic]. Can you give me some prompts or questions to stimulate my thinking?
  2. I’m writing about [specific topic] in the context of [broader theme or issue]. Can you give me questions that would enhance my discussion?
  3. I’m discussing [specific topic, e.g., “urban planning”] in relation to [another topic, e.g., “sustainable development”] in [specific region or country, e.g., “Latin America”]. Can you offer some thought-provoking prompts?
  4. Act as my muse. I’m struggling with [your topic]. Could you generate some prompts or lead questions to help steer my writing?
  5. Act as a muse for my writer’s block. Given the themes of [topic A, e.g., ‘climate change’] and its impact on [topic B, e.g., ‘marine ecosystems’], can you generate thought-provoking prompts?

Prompts for Thesis Statements

  1. Help me refine this thesis statement for clarity and impact: [paste your thesis statement here].
  2. Here’s a draft thesis statement for my paper on [specific topic]: [paste your thesis statement]. How can it be made more compelling?
  3. I’m drafting a statement for my research on [specific topic, e.g., “cryptocurrency adoption”] in the context of [specific region, e.g., “European markets”]. Here’s my attempt: [paste your thesis statement]. Any suggestions for enhancement?
  4. Act as my thesis advisor. I’m shaping a statement on [topic, e.g., ‘blockchain in finance’]. Here’s my draft: [paste your thesis statement]. How might it be honed further?

Prompts for Abstract and Summary

  1. Can you help me draft/summarize an abstract based on this content? [paste main points or brief content here].
  2. I’m submitting a paper to [specific conference or journal]. Can you help me summarize my findings from [paste main content or points] into a concise abstract?
  3. I’m aiming to condense my findings on [specific topic, e.g., “gene therapy”] from [source or dataset, e.g., “recent clinical trials”] into an abstract for [specific event, e.g., “a biotech conference”]. Can you assist?
  4. Act as an abstracting service. Based on the following content: [paste main points or brief content here], how might you draft or summarize an abstract?
  5. Act as my editorial assistant. I’ve compiled findings on [topic, e.g., ‘genetic modifications’] from my research. Help me craft or refine a concise abstract suitable for [event or publication, e.g., ‘an international biology conference’].

Prompts for Methodological Assistance

  1. I’m using [specific research method, e.g., qualitative interviews] for my study on [your topic]. Can you provide insights or potential pitfalls?
  2. For a study on [specific topic], I’m considering using [specific research method]. Can you explain its application and potential challenges in this context?
  3. I’m considering a study on [specific topic, e.g., “consumer behavior”] using [research method, e.g., “ethnographic studies”]. Given the demographic of [target group, e.g., “millennials in urban settings”], what might be the methodological challenges?
  4. My exploration of [specific topic, e.g., “consumer sentiment”] deploys [research method, e.g., “mixed-method analysis”]. Given my target demographic of [specific group, e.g., “online shoppers aged 18-25”], what are potential methodological challenges and best practices in [specific setting or platform, e.g., “e-commerce platforms”]?
  5. Act as a methodological counselor. I’m exploring [topic, e.g., ‘consumer behavior patterns’] using [research technique, e.g., ‘qualitative interviews’]. Given the scope of [specific context or dataset, e.g., ‘online retail platforms’], what insights can you offer?

Prompts for Language Translation

  1. Please translate this passage to [desired language]: [paste your text here].
  2. I’m integrating a passage for my research on [specific topic, e.g., “Mesoamerican civilizations”]. Could you assist in translating this content from [source language, e.g., “Nahuatl”] to [target language, e.g., “English”] while preserving academic rigor: [paste your text here]?
  3. Act as my translation assistant. I have this passage in [source language, e.g., ‘French’] about [topic, e.g., ‘European history’]: [paste your text here]. Can you render it in [target language, e.g., ‘English’] while maintaining academic integrity?

Prompts for Ethical Considerations

  1. What are some general ethical considerations when conducting research on [specific topic or population]?
  2. I’m conducting research involving [specific group or method, e.g., “minors” or “online surveys”]. What are key ethical considerations I should be aware of in the context of [specific discipline or field]?
  3. My investigation encompasses [specific method or technique, e.g., “genome editing”] on [target population or organism, e.g., “plant species”]. As I operate within the framework of [specific institution or body, e.g., “UNESCO guidelines”], what ethical imperatives should I foreground, especially when considering implications for [broader context, e.g., “global food security”]?
  4. Act as an ethics board member. I’m conducting research on [specific topic or population]. Could you outline key ethical considerations I should bear in mind?
  5. Act as an ethics overview guide. My research involves [specific technique or method, e.g., ‘live human trials’] in the realm of [specific discipline, e.g., ‘medical research’]. What general ethical considerations might be paramount, especially when targeting [specific population or group, e.g., ‘adolescents’]?
AI Prompts for College/University

ChatGPT Prompts for Opinion Writing

Prompts for Generating ideas

  1. Come up with five potential opinion topics related to [topic].
  2. List ten potential topics for an opinion piece on the impact of [issue] on [group].
  3. Suggest three controversial topics that could spark debate in an opinion article about [topic].
  4. Generate five ideas for an opinion piece on the ethics of [technology or practice].
  5. Create a list of potential opinion topics related to the role of government in [policy area].
  6. Develop three potential opinion pieces related to [topic] that challenge common assumptions about the issue.
  7. Craft a list of opinion topics related to [topic] that offer a unique perspective or solution to a problem.
  8. Come up with a list of opinion topics related to [issue] that you think this [target audience] might be interested in.
  9. Develop a list of [number] potential topics related to [topic area].
  10. Come up with [number] different arguments for [issue or debate].
  11. Create a list of [number] different opinions on [controversial topic] and explain their reasoning.

Prompts for Research

  1. Provide statistics and data to support an opinion on [topic], specifically [data point].
  2. Suggest sources for research on the impact of [issue] on [group], focusing on [aspect].
  3. Offer research to support an argument for or against [policy], citing [source].
  4. Provide examples of successful [program or policy] to support an argument for increased [policy area] spending.
  5. Offer research to support an opinion on the impact of [policy] on [outcome].
  6. Provide a list of studies or reports that support the argument that [policy] has been effective in addressing [problem].
  7. Suggest sources to support an argument that [group] has been disproportionately impacted by [issue], with a focus on statistics and data.
  8. Offer research that supports the argument that [technology or practice] has had a significant impact on [aspect of society].
  9. Can you help me find information on [specific aspect of topic area]?

Prompts for Writing

  1. Write an opinion piece about the importance of supporting small businesses in my community.
  2. Craft an argument for or against the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in agriculture.
  3. Write a persuasive piece on the importance of arts education in schools.
  4. Write an outline for a persuasive essay arguing for the importance of [topic/issue] and provide supporting evidence for each point in the outline.
  5. Generate five potential headlines for an opinion piece about [topic] and explain the strengths and weaknesses of each option.
  6. Craft a strong opening sentence for an opinion piece about [topic] that grabs the reader’s attention and sets up the main argument of the piece.
  7. Develop a clear and concise thesis statement for an opinion piece about [topic/issue] and explain the main points that will be used to support the thesis.
  8. Write a compelling introduction for an opinion piece about [topic].
  9. Create a list of powerful verbs to use in an argumentative essay about [topic].
  10. Make suggestions for ways to improve the flow and organization of my argument in [part of the essay].
  11. Generate ideas for analogies or metaphors that could be used to illustrate my point in [part of the essay].
  12. Provide examples of successful opinion pieces on [topic] that I can study to improve my own writing.
  13. Write a paragraph that presents the opposing view on [insert topic] and counter it with my argument.
  14. Generate three arguments that support the statement that [insert topic] is a crucial issue that needs to be addressed immediately.
  15. Rewrite a draft of an opinion piece on [topic] to make it more [adjective].
  16. Explain how to structure an argument for an opinion piece on [topic], starting with [element of argument].
  17. Suggest ways to create a more compelling introduction for an opinion piece on [topic], using [technique].
  18. Provide guidance on how to use [literary device] in opinion writing to strengthen an argument about [topic].
  19. Offer tips on how to write an effective conclusion for an opinion piece on [topic], emphasizing [aspect].
  20. Give me an example of how to incorporate humor into an opinion piece on [topic], without detracting from the argument.
  21. Explain how to use a metaphor or analogy to clarify a complex concept related to [topic].
  22. Suggest ways to incorporate real-world examples or anecdotes to support an opinion on [topic].
  23. Suggest ways to improve the clarity and organization of my argument in [piece of writing].
  24. Provide feedback on the effectiveness of the introduction in [piece of writing].
  25. Rewrite this sentence to be more concise and impactful: [sentence]

Prompts for Reviewing Drafts

  1. Review a draft of an opinion piece on [topic] and provide feedback on the clarity of the argument related to [aspect]
  2. Analyze a draft of an opinion piece on [topic] and suggest areas for improvement related to [aspect of argument]
  3. Provide feedback on the strength of evidence in a draft of an opinion piece on [topic], specifically [data or source]
  4. Review a draft of an opinion piece on [topic] and suggest ways to improve the flow of the argument, specifically [aspect of organization]
  5. Provide feedback on the tone and voice of a draft of an opinion piece on [topic], focusing on [aspect of tone].
  6. Analyze the structure of a draft of an opinion piece on [topic] and provide feedback on the most effective way to arrange the argument.
  7. Provide feedback on the clarity and accessibility of a draft of an opinion piece on [topic], particularly in terms of jargon or complex terminology.
  8. Review a draft of an opinion piece on [topic] and suggest ways to strengthen the connection between the argument and the overall thesis.
  9. Can you review my [piece of writing] and suggest areas where I could provide more evidence?
  10. Provide feedback on the strength of my conclusion in [piece of writing].
  11. Identify any logical fallacies in my argument in [piece of writing].

Prompts for Analyzing Sentiments

  1. Analyze the sentiment of a draft of an opinion piece on [topic] and suggest ways to make the argument more persuasive, specifically related to [aspect of argument or tone].
  2. Provide an analysis of the sentiment of an opinion piece on [topic], highlighting [positive or negative aspect of sentiment].
  3. Suggest ways to address potential bias in an opinion piece on [topic], focusing on [aspect of bias].
  4. Analyze the sentiment of an opinion piece on [topic] and provide suggestions for improvement, specifically related to [aspect of argument or tone].
  5. Provide feedback on the tone and sentiment of an opinion piece on [topic], emphasizing [aspect of tone or sentiment].
  6. Analyze the tone and sentiment of an opinion piece on [topic] and suggest ways to make the argument more emotionally compelling.
  7. Suggest ways to address potential tone-deafness in an opinion piece on [topic], particularly related to sensitive or controversial issues.
  8. Analyze the sentiment of an opinion piece on [topic] and provide feedback on how to ensure that the argument resonates with the intended audience.

Prompts for Getting Feedback on Style and Tone

  1. Can you help me evaluate the [style/tone] of my piece and suggest ways to improve it? [paste your content]
  2. I’m struggling to strike the right [tone/style] for my opinion piece. Can you provide some guidance on how to adjust it? [paste your content]
  3. I want my article to have a more [emotional/engaging/etc.] impact. Could you review my work and suggest ways to enhance the [style/tone]? [paste your content]
  4. Provide suggestions on how to make my piece more conversational and less formal. [paste your content]
  5. I’m struggling to find the right words to convey my emotions. Can you help me come up with more impactful language? [paste your content]
  6. My argument is complex, and I’m worried readers might not fully understand my point of view. Can you help me simplify my language while still conveying the same meaning? [paste your content]

Prompts for Checking Grammar and Spelling

  1. Rewrite the following sentence to correct any grammatical errors: [sentence]
  2. Correct the spelling errors in the following paragraph: [paragraph]
  3. Identify any improper use of punctuation in the following sentence: [sentence]
  4. Correct any inconsistencies in verb tense in the following paragraph: [paragraph]
  5. Check the sentence structure of the following paragraph for clarity and coherence: [paragraph]

Prompts for Fact-checking

  1. Can you help me fact-check the sources in my [piece of writing]?
  2. Provide evidence to support or refute the claim that [fact or statistic]
  3. Can you fact-check my argument about [controversial topic]?
AI Prompts for College/University

ChatGPT Prompts For Blog Posts Writing

Prompts for Idea Generation

  1. Provide me with [number] blog post ideas on [topic]
  2. Generate [number] blog post ideas for a [niche/industry] audience

Prompts for Research

  1. What is [topic]?
  2. Give me some examples of [topic]
  3. Provide a list of reliable sources for researching [topic].
  4. Explain the basics of [topic] and provide resources for further research.
  5. Can you suggest some case studies or real-world examples related to [topic], and where can I find more information on them?
  6. Provide a list of academic journals or research papers related to [topic].
  7. What are the common misconceptions about [topic]

Prompts for Content Organization

  1. Create a detailed blog post outline on [topic]
  2. Provide me with three headings and subheadings for a blog post on [topic]
  3. Give me an overview of the main points I should cover in a blog post on [topic]
  4. Develop a blog post structure that includes an introduction, body, and conclusion
  5. Provide me with a structure for my blog post on [topic] that includes headings, subheadings, and bullet points

Prompts for Title Generation

  1. Generate five different blog post titles on [topic]
  2. Provide me with a list of catchy and unique blog post title options for [topic]
  3. Craft a title that includes the [keyword] and will grab the reader’s attention

Prompts for Generating Meta Description

  1. Come up with a meta description that summarizes my blog post on [topic]
  2. Suggest keywords that I should include in my meta description for my blog post on [topic]
  3. Provide me with three different meta descriptions for my blog post on [topic]
  4. Write me a meta description using this keyword [keyword]
  5. I want to generate high CTR meta and keyword rich meta title and meta descriptions in text format. My keywords are – [keyword 1], [keyword 2], [keyword 3]

Prompts for Writing a Blog Post

  1. Craft a blog post on [topic] that will engage and inform [define your target audience]
  2. Generate an outline for my blog post on [topic] that I can use as a framework for my writing
  3. Write a blog post that will showcase my expertise in [industry/field] and provide value to [your target audience]
  4. Create a blog post on [topic] that is optimized for SEO and includes relevant keywords for [my target audience]. My keywords are – [keyword 1], [keyword 2], [keyword 3]
  5. Generate a blog post on [topic] that provides actionable tips and advice for [your target audience], and includes real-life examples and case studies to support my points

Prompts for Adding Tone and Voice in Blog Post

  1. Suggest a tone and voice for my blog post on [topic] that will engage my audience.
  2. Change the tone to more [formal/informal/friendly]: [sentence]
  3. Craft a blog post on [topic] that has a conversational tone and engages with the reader on a personal level
  4. Write a blog post on [topic] that adopts a professional tone and is suited for a business or corporate audience
  5. Generate a blog post on [topic] that is humorous and entertaining, but still informative and adds value to my readers
  6. Create a blog post on [topic] that is written in an authoritative tone, using industry-specific jargon and technical terms that will appeal to a knowledgeable and expert audience
  7. Generate a blog post on [topic] that is written in a friendly and approachable tone, using casual language and relatable examples to appeal to a wide range of readers. The post should aim to establish a personal connection with the reader and create a sense of community.

Prompts for Getting Writing Assistance

  1. Assist me in writing a compelling introduction for a blog post on [topic]
  2. Provide me with three different ways to phrase a point in a blog post on [topic]
  3. Include this keyword [keyword] in this sentence: [sentence]
  4. Create a summary of {my old blog post} that highlights the main points and key takeaways. The summary should be written in a concise and easy-to-read style, and provide an overview of the original post for readers who may not have time to read the full article. {my old blog post}  = [paste the content of your old blog post]
  5. Add some humour: [sentence]
  6. Summarize: [sentence]
  7. Expand: [sentence]
  8. Summarize in a few short sentences: [sentence]
  9. Please make this better: [sentence]
  10. Explain this for 5 years old: [sentence]
  11. Revamp: [sentence]

Prompts for Editing and Proofreading

  1. Proofread this: [sentence]
  2. Rewrite/Reword this sentence to make it more engaging: [sentence]
  3. Rewrite this paragraph to make it more concise: [paragraph]
  4. Check this sentence for spelling and grammar errors: [sentence]
  5. Suggest some ways to improve the flow: [sentence]
  6. Generate a new version of {my old blog post} that uses different words and phrasing, but retains the same key points and information. {my old blog post}  = [paste the content of your old blog post]

Prompts for Content Curation

  1. Suggest some sources of information that I can use to back up my claims in my blog post on [topic]
  2. Provide me with a list of related articles or blog posts that I can reference in my blog post on [topic]
  3. Help me to integrate quotes from experts or thought leaders in my blog post on [topic] to add credibility and authority

Prompts for Adding Call-to-Action

  1. Craft a CTA that encourages my audience to subscribe to my newsletter after reading my blog post on [topic]
  2. Provide me with a CTA that will encourage my readers to share my blog post on social media
  3. Suggest a CTA that will encourage my readers to leave a comment on my blog post on [topic]

Prompts for Understanding Target Audience

  1. Provide me with a description of my target audience for my blog post on [topic]
  2. Help me to understand the pain points and challenges of my target audience so that I can write a blog post that addresses their needs

Act As a Blogger Prompt

I want you to act as a blogger and you want to write a blog post about [topic], with a friendly and approachable tone that engages readers. Your target audience is [define your target audience]. Write in a personal style using singular first-person pronouns only. I want you to include these keywords: [keyword 1], [keyword 2], [keyword 3] throughout the article.
Format your response using markdown. Use headings, subheadings, bullet points, and bold to organize the information.

I want you to act as a blogger and write a blog post about the benefits of meditation for beginners, with a friendly and approachable tone that engages readers. Your target audience is individuals who are interested in improving their mental well-being. Write in a personal style using singular first-person pronouns only. Please include the keywords “mindfulness”, “relaxation”, and “stress reduction” throughout the article. Format your response using markdown. Use headings, subheadings, bullet points, and bold to organize the information.

AI Prompts for College/University

ChatGPT Prompts for Product Managers

Prompts for Brainstorming Product Ideas and Features

  1. Generate a list of innovative feature ideas for a new mobile app aimed at fitness enthusiasts.
  2. Generate five innovative product features for a new [type of product].
  3. Generate 5 unique ideas for a new feature to add to our [existing product].
  4. What are some unique features we can add to our e-commerce platform to improve the customer shopping experience?
  5. We’re designing a fitness app targeted at senior citizens. What are some feature ideas that could be especially beneficial for this demographic?
  6. How can we improve our current email marketing software to better meet the needs of small businesses?
  7. What are some innovative product ideas that could help reduce plastic waste?
  8. Our goal is to improve student engagement in online learning. What product features could help us achieve this?
  9. Give me 3 innovative product concepts that solve the problem of [describe problem] in the [industry] sector.
  10. Provide [number] innovative concepts for a [type of product] that can enhance user experience in the [specific environment or situation].
  11. Generate [number] new feature ideas for our [product] that can help solve [describe the problem] in the [industry] sector.
  12. Propose a unique product concept that combines [current tech trend], addresses [specific problem], provides [desired functionality], and appeals to [target demographic].
  13. Suggest an innovative product concept that integrates [technology 1], [technology 2], [technology 3], targets [user problem] and could appeal to [target audience].

Prompts for Idea Validation

  1. Based on current e-learning trends and user preferences, provide feedback on our concept for a new interactive, AI-powered e-learning platform.
  2. Evaluate the pros and cons of introducing a feature like [describe feature] in our [product].
  3. What could be potential user reactions or feedback on a feature like [describe feature] for our [product]?
  4. Evaluate the potential impact of a [specific feature] in our [product] within the [target market]. List potential benefits and drawbacks.
  5. How might users in the [specific demographic] react to a new feature like [describe feature] in our [product]? Provide [number] potential feedback points.
  6. How might our [product name] with the feature [feature description] be perceived by a [target demographic] working in [industry]? Provide both positive and negative feedback.
  7. Evaluate our [product concept] that offers [feature 1], [feature 2], [feature 3], in the context of [industry] targeting [target audience]. What could be the potential user reactions and feedback?

Prompts for Crafting Product Descriptions

  1. Write a compelling product description for our newly developed advanced noise-cancellation headphones.
  2. Create a compelling product description for our new [product name].
  3. Write a short, compelling description for our new [product] that highlights its main features and benefits.
  4. We have developed a new organic skincare product range aimed at sensitive skin. Could you draft a soothing and empathetic product description highlighting its all-natural ingredients and gentleness?
  5. Our company is launching an advanced AI-powered chatbot service for businesses. Please provide a professional and tech-savvy product description that emphasizes its ability to improve customer service efficiency.
  6. We’re releasing a children’s educational app that makes learning math fun through games. Can you write a lively and engaging product description that captures a child’s imagination and a parent’s trust?
  7. Our new eco-friendly running shoes are made from recycled materials. Can you write a product description with a positive and energetic tone, focusing on the shoes’ comfort and environmental impact?
  8. Write a compelling product description for our new smartwatch, highlighting its unique features, benefits, and who it’s designed for.
  9. Create a detailed description for our [product] feature that focuses on its [intended functionality] and impact on the user experience.
  10. Craft a compelling product description for our new [product] that highlights its [specific feature], [unique selling proposition], and benefits for [target audience].
  11. Write an engaging and concise product narrative for our [product] focusing on its [feature], impact on [specific task or job], and how it differs from [competitor’s product].
  12. Create a compelling product description for our new [product] that highlights its [key feature], solves [common problem], provides [unique benefit], and distinguishes it from [major competitor].
  13. Write a compelling product description for our [product name] highlighting its [feature 1], [feature 2], [feature 3], its benefit in [use case], and its superiority over [competitor product].

Prompts for Product Documentation

  1. Write a step-by-step user guide for setting up and starting with our [product name].
  2. Create a user-friendly guide for our new project management tool, outlining its key features and how to use them effectively.
  3. We have a new project management software. Can you write an FAQ section covering topics such as account setup, project creation, task assignment, and team collaboration?
  4. We are launching an electric car. Please draft a section of the user manual that explains how to charge the vehicle, check battery status, and what to do in case of a low battery while on the road.
  5. Our new fitness tracker has multiple features like heart rate monitoring, step tracking, sleep tracking, and workout modes. Please create a user guide section explaining how to use these features effectively.
  6. We have a cloud-based data storage service. Please write an API documentation section explaining how users can upload files, create folders, and manage permissions.
  7. Create a troubleshooting guide for common issues users may face while using the [feature] in our [product].
  8. Create a step-by-step user guide for setting up and using the [specific feature] in our [product] for users who are [specific user characteristics].
  9. Write a troubleshooting guide for [number] common issues that users of the [product] might face while using the [specific feature], and provide simple solutions.
  10. Draft a user-friendly documentation section for [specific feature] of our [product], which helps the user to [desired outcome], focuses on [unique selling proposition], and is easy for [target demographic] to understand.
  11. Craft a clear and user-friendly guide for our [product name] explaining how to use [feature 1], [feature 2], [feature 3], to accomplish [task], in a way that a [target user group] can easily understand.

Prompts for Prototype Generation

  1. Describe a simple prototype for our upcoming [product type].
  2. Provide five different scenarios of customer interaction with our AI chatbot, detailing the potential user problem and how the chatbot might respond.
  3. We’re developing a fitness tracking app. Can you draft some potential user interactions for features such as setting a daily step goal, logging a workout, and tracking sleep patterns?
  4. We are building a new project management tool. Please write down a user scenario where a project manager creates a new project, assigns tasks to team members, and tracks the project’s progress.
  5. Our team is working on a digital cookbook application. Can you provide a user interaction scenario where a user searches for a vegetarian recipe, saves it to their favorites, and then uses the in-app grocery list feature to shop for ingredients?
  6. Describe a simple wireframe for the user interface of our new [product] focusing on ease-of-use and intuitive design.
  7. Provide a scenario and corresponding dialogue for a user interacting with the [specific feature] in our prototype [product].
  8. Describe a user interface prototype for our new [product] that ensures ease of use for [specific user group], includes a [specific feature], and aligns with our [brand’s design language].
  9. Outline a simple interaction scenario between a [user type] and our [product’s feature], considering typical pain points in [specific situation or environment].
  10. Describe a prototype for our new [product type] which includes [desired feature 1], [desired feature 2], a method for tackling [common problem], and is intended for users in [specific industry].
  11. Describe a simple prototype for our [product] that includes [feature 1], [feature 2], [feature 3], helps users achieve [specific goal], and is suitable for [target user group].

Prompts for Roadmap Planning

  1. Develop a basic roadmap for the launch of our new [product].
    Help me create a product roadmap for our new mobile game, including important milestones from concept to launch, maintenance, and user feedback integration.
  2. Outline a product roadmap for the development of our new online marketplace platform, including key milestones and timelines.
  3. We are working on a learning management system. Can you help us define the key milestones from concept to launch?
  4. What are the major stages and potential challenges in the development of a new ride-sharing app?
  5. Create a product development timeline for our new AI-based customer service tool, considering factors such as AI model training, user interface design, pilot testing, and full-scale deployment.
  6. Outline a 1-year product roadmap for our [product] with key milestones and targets.
  7. List potential challenges and solutions for our [product] for the next two quarters.
  8. Develop a [time-period] product roadmap for our [product], focusing on improving [specific feature], addressing [specific market challenges], and achieving [specific business goal].
  9. List [number] potential milestones for our [product] over the next [time period], including feature developments, market expansions, and partnerships to enhance [specific aspect of product].
  10. Design a [time-period] product roadmap for our [product] that includes new feature release, entering [new market], overcoming [challenge], and reaching [business objective].
  11. Create a roadmap for our [product] covering the next [time period], including the introduction of [feature 1], [feature 2], [feature 3], the expected achievement of [milestone], and the approach to [market trend or challenge].

Prompts for Market and Competitor Analysis

  1. We have collected data on five main competitors in the e-learning industry. Can you help us outline a comparison matrix for these companies based on parameters such as pricing, features, customer reviews, and market share?
  2. Can you provide a guideline on what aspects to consider when conducting a SWOT analysis for our new FinTech product?
  3. Provide a SWOT analysis for our [product] in the context of the current [industry] market.
  4. We have customer survey data for our new food delivery app. Can you help us analyze it to understand market preferences and potential areas of improvement?
  5. Summarize the competitive landscape for [product category] in the current market.
  6. Analyze the current food delivery app market, including key competitors, their unique selling propositions, and areas of opportunity for our product.
  7. List the top 5 competitors for our [product] in the [region], and what makes them successful.
  8. Provide a detailed analysis of the current market trends in the [industry] and how our [product] aligns or can be improved to meet these trends. Also, identify [number] key competitors.
  9. Outline the main strengths and weaknesses of our [product] compared to [competitor’s product] in the [target market]. Suggest [number] strategies to leverage strengths and overcome weaknesses.
  10. Analyze the current market for [product type] considering trends in [industry], our main competitors like [competitor name], the advantages they offer, and areas where [our product] could outperform.
  11. Summarize the market situation for [product category] considering the current state of [competitor 1], [competitor 2], [competitor 3], the impact of [market trend], and the needs of [target audience].

Prompts for Developing Launch Strategies

  1. Help me devise a go-to-market strategy for our online clothing store, considering target audience, marketing channels, key messages, and initial promotional activities.
  2. Propose a simple go-to-market strategy for our new [product].
  3. We are planning to launch a new fitness app. Can you help us outline the elements to consider in our go-to-market strategy?
  4. Suggest a high-level go-to-market strategy for our new [product] targeting the [target demographic].
  5. What are key elements we should include in our launch strategy for the [product] in the [region/market]?
  6. Propose a comprehensive go-to-market strategy for our new [product] targeting [specific audience], considering our [company’s unique selling points], and current trends in the [industry].
  7. Develop a detailed launch strategy for our [product] in the [specific market], focusing on [product’s key feature], [competitive advantage], and [key marketing channel].
  8. Develop a comprehensive go-to-market strategy for our [product] targeting [target demographic], leveraging [marketing channel], highlighting [unique selling proposition], and differentiating from [key competitor].
  9. Design a go-to-market strategy for our [product] targeting [target audience 1], [target audience 2], [target audience 3], through [channel 1], [channel 2], and differentiating from [competitor product].

Prompts for Crafting Launch Announcements

  1. Draft a press release for the launch of our new software tool. Highlight its unique features, benefits, and potential uses.
  2. Can you provide a draft for a press release announcing the launch of our new sustainable fashion line?
  3. We have written an announcement for our product launch. [Paste your Text here] Can you provide feedback and suggestions to make it more impactful?
  4. Compose an impactful launch announcement for our [product].
  5. Craft an engaging social media post announcing the launch of our [product].
  6. Write a press release announcing the launch of our new [product], highlighting its key features and benefits.
  7. Craft an engaging press release announcing the launch of our [product], highlighting its [key feature], benefits for the [target audience], and its uniqueness in the [specific market].
  8. Write an exciting social media post announcing the arrival of our [product], emphasizing its [key feature], impact on [target audience’s problem or need], and availability on [platforms or retail outlets].
  9. Write an engaging product launch announcement for our new [product], featuring its [unique capability], the problems it solves for [target audience], its availability from [launch date], and how it stands out from [major competitor].
  10. Compose a product launch announcement for our [product] featuring [unique selling point 1], [unique selling point 2], [unique selling point 3], its availability from [launch date], and its advantages over [competitor product].

Prompts for Creating Customer Personas

  1. Analyze our customer data and create five distinct customer personas for our e-commerce platform. Include demographics, buying behavior, motivations, and pain points.
  2. Based on customer research that indicates our users are mostly young adults interested in fitness, can you describe a detailed user persona?
  3. Create a customer persona for our [product] based on the following data: [insert data]
  4. Create a detailed customer persona for our target user of [product], considering demographic factors, user needs, and behavior patterns.
  5. Based on market research, list the top 3 customer personas we should focus on for our [product], and explain why.
  6. Create a detailed customer persona for our [product], considering [specific demographic factors], [common behavior patterns], and [typical challenges or pain points].
  7. Based on our [product’s features] and target market in the [industry], identify and describe [number] potential customer personas, focusing on their needs, behaviors, and preferences.
  8. Based on [customer behavior], [purchase patterns], [common challenges], and [demographics], describe a realistic customer persona for our [product].
  9. Create a detailed customer persona for our [product] based on [customer behavior 1], [customer behavior 2], [customer behavior 3], their main challenges like [challenge 1], [challenge 2], and typical demographics like [demographic factor].

Prompts for Formulating Pricing Strategies

  1. Can you provide an overview of various pricing strategies for a premium subscription model for our news app?
  2. What are the pros and cons of cost-plus pricing versus value-based pricing for our new line of eco-friendly home appliances?
  3. Based on the current market trends, what would be a competitive pricing strategy for our new [product name]?
  4. Considering the current market dynamics and cost structure of [Product/Service], suggest a suitable pricing strategy.
  5. Analyze the pricing strategies of our top three competitors in the [Industry] and propose a competitive pricing model for our [Product/Service].
  6. Given the cost of production [$Amount], competitor’s pricing [$Competitor’s Price], expected profit margin [%Profit Margin], and our target market’s [Market Segment], recommend a suitable pricing strategy for our [Product/Service].
  7. Given the manufacturing cost of [$Amount], current market conditions in the [Industry], and competitor’s average pricing of [$Amount], suggest a profitable yet competitive pricing strategy for our [Product/Service].
  8. Assess the pricing models of [Competitor 1], [Competitor 2], and [Competitor 3] and propose a pricing strategy for our [Product/Service] that can outperform them in the [Target Market].
  9. Given the cost of production [$Amount], competitor’s pricing [$Competitor’s Price], our product’s unique features [Feature 1, Feature 2], and target customer’s average spending [$Average Spending], what pricing strategy would be most suitable for our [Product/Service]?

Prompts for Tracking Industry Trends

  1. List the top five emerging trends in the online education industry.
  2. Summarize the latest trends in the e-commerce industry regarding consumer behavior and emerging technologies.
  3. What are the current emerging trends in the [industry name] industry?
  4. List the top five emerging trends in the [Industry] and explain how they might impact our [Product/Service].
  5. What are the technological advancements influencing the [Industry] and how can we incorporate them into our [Product/Service]?
  6. Identify the top [Number] trends in the [Industry] and evaluate how they might impact our [Product/Service] over the next [Time Period].
  7. Based on the [Current Year]’s technology advancements and socio-economic changes, predict the major changes expected in the [Industry] and suggest adaptations for our [Product/Service].
  8. Identify and analyze top [Number] trends in the [Industry], their impact on similar products like [Product 1], [Product 2], and potential implications for our [Product/Service] over the next [Time Period].
  9. Identify the top [Number] trends in the [Industry] and analyze how each one could impact [Product/Service], [Product/Service 2], [Product/Service 3] in our product line over the next [Time Period].

Prompts for Predictive Analysis

  1. Based on our current sales data, market growth, and customer behavior, provide a predictive analysis of how our proposed new product might perform in the next quarter: [Provide Your Data Here]
  2. Based on historical trends in the smartphone market, what are potential future trends we should consider for our next mobile device’s features?
  3. Based on our Q1 and Q2 sales data, predict the potential sales performance for our product in Q3: [Provide Your Data Here]
  4. Based on current market conditions and trends, what are the predicted performance trends for a [product type] over the next [time period]?
  5. Based on historical sales data of [Product/Service], predict the sales trend for the next [Time Period].
  6. Analyze the market growth rate of the [Industry] and predict potential market share for our new [Product/Service] in [Target Market] over the next [Time Period].
  7. Use historical sales data from [Year 1], [Year 2], and [Year 3] to predict the sales trend for our [Product/Service] over the next [Time Period].
  8. Based on [Indicator 1], [Indicator 2], and [Indicator 3], predict potential future trends in the [Industry] and their implications for our [Product/Service].
  9. Using our sales data from [Year 1], [Year 2], [Year 3], and [Year 4], predict the potential sales trend for our [Product/Service] in the [Target Market] over the next [Time Period].
  10. Based on our historical sales data from [Year 1], [Year 2], [Year 3], [Year 4], and [Year 5], can you forecast the sales trend for our [Product/Service] in the next [Number] quarters?

Prompts for Interpreting User Feedback

  1. Could you provide a summary of key insights from the following user feedback on our [product name]: [Insert User Feedback]?
  2. Summarize the main points from the user feedback received on our [Product/Service] from the [Platform/Channel]: [Insert User Feedback]
    Analyze these customer reviews about our [Product/Service] and suggest areas of improvement: [Insert User Feedback]
  3. Evaluate and summarize customer reviews for our [Product/Service] from [Platform 1], [Platform 2], and [Platform 3], highlighting key areas of satisfaction and dissatisfaction: [Paste all Customer Reviews Here]
  4. Analyze the user feedback provided for features [Feature 1], [Feature 2], and [Feature 3] of our [Product/Service], and suggest possible improvements: [Insert User Feedback]

Prompts for Identifying KPIs

  1. What are some key performance indicators we should track for our [product name]?
  2. What would be suitable KPIs for monitoring the success of our [Product/Service] in the [Market]?
  3. For our [Product/Service] in the [Market], identify and explain the importance of [Number] KPIs that should be tracked regularly.
  4. Given our objectives of [Objective 1], [Objective 2], and [Objective 3], suggest suitable KPIs for our upcoming marketing campaign for [Product/Service].
  5. Identify the top [Number] KPIs for our [Product/Service] based on our objectives [Objective 1], [Objective 2], [Objective 3], and [Objective 4]. Explain why these metrics are relevant and how they can be tracked.
  6. What would be the key [Number] KPIs to monitor for our [Product/Service] given our objectives of [Objective 1], [Objective 2], [Objective 3], [Objective 4], and [Objective 5]? Provide reasons and methods to track each KPI.

Prompts for Analyzing Product Performance Metrics

  1. Based on this sales data for the past six months, identify the most and least popular products and any notable trends: [insert data]
  2. Analyze the following performance data for our [product name] and provide a summary: [insert data].
  3. Based on our [Product/Service]’s current performance data, what are potential areas for improvement?
  4. Analyze the performance metrics of our [Product/Service] based on [Metric 1], [Metric 2], and [Metric 3] and provide a comprehensive report.
  5. Evaluate our [Product/Service]’s performance based on user engagement data from [Platform 1], [Platform 2], and [Platform 3]. What insights can we gather?
  6. Evaluate the performance of our [Product/Service] using the metrics [Metric 1], [Metric 2], [Metric 3], [Metric 4], and [Metric 5]. Provide an overview and a detailed analysis for each.

Prompts for Drafting Product Communications

  1. Draft an engaging email update about the recent improvements made to our [product name].
  2. Draft an engaging product update email for our [Product/Service] targeting our [Customer Segment].
  3. Write a presentation script introducing the new features of our [Product/Service] for the upcoming [Event/Meeting].
  4. Craft a detailed email to our [Customer Segment], updating them about the changes in [Feature 1], [Feature 2], and [Feature 3] of our [Product/Service].
  5. Create an engaging presentation script for our stakeholders, discussing our [Product/Service]’s recent performance, upcoming updates, and expected impact on [Target Market].
  6. Draft an engaging email to [Customer Segment] introducing our new features [Feature 1], [Feature 2], [Feature 3], and [Feature 4] of [Product/Service]. Make sure to highlight the benefits of these features.
  7. Draft a compelling email to our customers [Customer Segment], highlighting the new features [Feature 1], [Feature 2], [Feature 3], [Feature 4], and [Feature 5] of our [Product/Service]. Highlight how each feature solves their [Issue/Need].

Prompts for Facilitating Cross-Functional Collaboration

  1. Write a message to the [team name] team updating them on the progress of the [project name].
  2. Help me manage this cross-functional project aimed at improving the user onboarding experience. Draft a plan to facilitate communication, align on tasks, and track progress across all involved teams.
  3. Create a message to [Team Name] about the progress of the [Project Name] and the next steps.
  4. Draft a proposal for a joint project between the [First Team Name] and [Second Team Name] involving our [Product/Service].
  5. Compose a meeting agenda for a collaboration between the [Team 1], [Team 2], and [Team 3] to enhance the features of our [Product/Service].
  6. Write a project proposal for the [Team 1] and [Team 2] highlighting the objectives, key responsibilities, and expected outcomes of their collaboration on the [Project Name] related to our [Product/Service].
  7. Create a collaboration plan between the [Team 1], [Team 2], [Team 3], and [Team 4] to enhance the [Feature/Process] of our [Product/Service]. Include objectives, responsibilities, and expected outcomes.
  8. Propose a communication plan involving the [Team 1], [Team 2], [Team 3], [Team 4], and [Team 5] teams to work on the [Feature/Process] improvement for our [Product/Service]. Each team’s roles and responsibilities should be clearly defined.

Prompts for Creating Sales and Marketing Materials

  1. Create a persuasive sales pitch for our new [product name].
  2. Draft a persuasive sales pitch and three key marketing messages for our new skincare product line.
  3. Write a persuasive sales pitch for our [Product/Service] emphasizing its [Distinctive Feature 1] and [Distinctive Feature 2].
  4. Create a promotional flyer text for our new [Product/Service], highlighting its benefits to [Target Customer Group].
  5. Draft a detailed sales pitch for our [Product/Service], emphasizing its [Feature 1], [Feature 2], and [Feature 3], and addressing the needs of our [Target Customer Group].
  6. Design a marketing brochure content for our new [Product/Service], highlighting its benefits to [Customer Segment 1], [Customer Segment 2], and [Customer Segment 3].
  7. Develop a persuasive sales pitch for our [Product/Service] targeting [Customer Segment]. Highlight the unique selling points [USP 1], [USP 2], [USP 3], and [USP 4] that differentiate us from competitors.
  8. Create a persuasive sales pitch for our [Product/Service] targeting [Customer Segment], highlighting the key benefits [Benefit 1], [Benefit 2], [Benefit 3], [Benefit 4], and [Benefit 5]. Also, suggest the best channels [Channel 1], [Channel 2] to promote.

Cataloguing Product Features with Prompts

  1. List potential features for a fitness tracking mobile application targeting senior citizens.
  2. Generate a list of potential features for our new smart home device and outline detailed requirements for each feature.
  3. List potential features that could enhance our [product type] based on current industry trends.
  4. List potential features for our new [Product/Service] based on the following user needs: [User Need 1], [User Need 2].
  5. Describe the benefits of our [Product/Service]’s key features, [Feature 1] and [Feature 2], for our target audience.
  6. Compile a comprehensive list of potential features for our new [Product/Service] that addresses [User Need 1], [User Need 2], and [User Need 3].
  7. Describe in detail the benefits of our [Product/Service]’s key features, [Feature 1], [Feature 2], and [Feature 3], for our target audience [Customer Segment].
  8. Compile a list of potential features [Feature 1], [Feature 2], [Feature 3], and [Feature 4] for our next [Product/Service], detailing how each one addresses a specific need of our [Target Customer Segment].
  9. Catalog a detailed list of potential features for our next [Product/Service], including [Feature 1], [Feature 2], [Feature 3], [Feature 4], and [Feature 5], explaining how each one meets a specific need of our target customers [Customer Segment].

Prompts for Designing and Analyzing A/B Tests

  1. Provide an analysis of A/B test results for the homepage redesign, version A had a conversion rate of 2.3%, and version B had a conversion rate of 3.5%
  2. Design an A/B test to evaluate the performance of [Feature A] vs [Feature B] on our [Product/Service]. Once the test is complete, provide an analysis of the results.
  3. Help me design an A/B test plan to compare [Feature A] and [Feature B] in [Product Name].
  4. Based on the provided data, please analyze the results of our A/B test for [Feature A] vs [Feature B] in [Product Name]: [Insert Data]
  5. Design an A/B test plan for [Product Name] to evaluate the impact of [Feature A] compared to [Feature B] on the [Specific Metric].
  6. Analyze the results of our recent A/B test comparing [Feature A] and [Feature B] for [Product Name]. Specifically, focus on the impact on [Specific Metric].
  7. Design an A/B test for our [Product Name] where we compare [Feature A] and [Feature B], measuring impact on [Metric] among [Target Audience].
  8. Design an A/B test for our [Product Name] comparing [Feature A] with [Feature B], and analyze its impact on [Metric X] and [Metric Y] for our [User Group]. What would be the expected outcome?

Prompts for Designing Customer Engagement Surveys

  1. Create a user satisfaction survey for customers who have purchased our latest fitness tracker.
  2. Create a user survey to understand customer satisfaction with our [Product/Service]. Include questions that will provide insights into areas for improvement.
  3. Create a survey focused on customer engagement for our [Product/Service]. Include questions about [Feature A] and [Feature B].
  4. Analyze the responses from our customer engagement survey about [Product/Service]. Focus on feedback related to [Feature A] and [Feature B].
  5. Create a user survey for [Product/Service], focusing on [Feature A], [Feature B], and overall user experience.
  6. Analyze the responses collected from our customer survey on [Product/Service]. Highlight key insights related to [Feature A], [Feature B], and overall satisfaction.
  7. Create a customer engagement survey for [Product Name], focusing on user experience with [Feature A], [Feature B], and their overall satisfaction. Include questions for both [Demographic Group A] and [Demographic Group B].
  8. Design a customer engagement survey for our [Product Name], aiming to understand how [Feature A] and [Feature B] impact user satisfaction among [User Group]. Also, include questions to uncover their needs related to [Related Product Aspect].

Meeting Facilitation with Prompts

  1. Draft an agenda for our next product development meeting related to [Product/Service]. Ensure it includes discussions about [Feature A] and [Feature B].
  2. Based on our previous meeting about [Product/Service], take notes and suggest action items related to [Feature A] and [Feature B].
  3. Draft a meeting agenda for our next team discussion on [Product/Service], with special attention on [Feature A], [Feature B], and [Specific Issue/Challenge].
  4. From our recent meeting on [Product/Service], create detailed notes and suggest action items related to [Feature A], [Feature B], and [Specific Issue/Challenge].
  5. Draft an agenda for our upcoming meeting on [Date] regarding [Product Name], discussing progress on [Feature A], [Feature B], addressing [Concern/Issue], and planning for [Future Aspect/Phase].
  6. Draft a meeting agenda for [Date] to discuss [Product Name], covering the progress of [Feature A], issues with [Feature B], planning for [Upcoming Event C], and suggestions for [Improvement D] and [Improvement E].

Crisis Management with 

  1. Draft an email to our stakeholders explaining the recent product issue and the steps we are taking to resolve it.
  2. Given a hypothetical crisis situation involving a significant malfunction in [Product/Service], draft a communication for stakeholders and suggest potential steps for damage control.
  3. Imagine a crisis situation related to [Feature A] in our [Product/Service]. Draft a communication plan for stakeholders and suggest steps for damage control.
  4. Provide a contingency plan and draft communication for a hypothetical issue with [Feature A] and [Feature B] in our [Product/Service].
  5. Draft communication for stakeholders addressing the issue with [Feature A] in [Product/Service] and suggest potential damage control steps to maintain [Business Goal].
  6. Provide a contingency plan and suggest communication strategies for a hypothetical crisis involving [Feature A], [Feature B], and the impact on [Business Goal] in our [Product/Service].
  7. Compose a crisis management message regarding the issue with [Feature A] in our [Product Name], its impact on [User Group], our [Solution Strategy], estimated recovery time, and what steps we’re taking to prevent [Future Issue D] and [Future Issue E].

eam Building and Management with Prompts

  1. Provide tips and best practices for effective team management and building in the context of a product team working on [Product/Service].
  2. Provide tips and best practices for managing a team working on [Feature A] and [Feature B] of our [Product/Service].
  3. Suggest team building activities that could help improve collaboration in the team working on [Feature A] and [Feature B] of our [Product/Service].
  4. Provide tips for managing a team working on [Product/Service], focusing on improving collaboration around [Feature A], [Feature B], and overall product development.
  5. Suggest team-building activities beneficial for the team developing [Feature A] and [Feature B] for our [Product/Service], aiming to enhance [Specific Aspect of Team Dynamics].
  6. Give tips for managing and building a team that will work on [Project Name] for our [Product Name], focusing on improving collaboration around [Feature A], [Feature B], and enhancing [Aspect of Team Dynamics].
  7. Provide tips on managing and building a team for [Project Name] considering challenges with [Task A], [Task B], promoting [Positive Culture Aspect C], and improving performance in [Area D] and [Area E].

Process Automation with 

  1. Identify areas in the workflow of our [Product/Service] that can be automated with AI, like automatic response generation for certain customer inquiries.
  2. Identify areas in the development process of [Feature A] and [Feature B] in our [Product/Service] that could be automated with AI.
  3. Suggest how AI could be used to automate response generation for customer inquiries related to [Feature A] and [Feature B] in our [Product/Service].
  4. Suggest how AI can automate the generation of responses for customer inquiries about [Feature A], [Feature B], and general questions about our [Product/Service].
  5. Identify areas in the development process of our [Product Name] that could be automated, specifically in tasks related to [Feature A], [Feature B], [Process/Task C], and [Process/Task D].

Vendor Management with Prompts

  1. Provide guidelines on managing vendor commitments, delivery schedules, and communication for our [Product/Service].
  2. Help me manage vendor commitments and delivery schedules for the supply of components for [Feature A] and [Feature B] in our [Product/Service].
  3. Draft a communication plan to inform vendors about changes in our requirements for [Feature A] and [Feature B] in our [Product/Service].
  4. Assist in managing vendor commitments for [Vendor A] and [Vendor B] for the supplies required in the development of [Product/Service].
  5. Draft a communication plan for [Vendor A] and [Vendor B] detailing changes in requirements for [Product/Service], focusing on components for [Feature A] and [Feature B].
  6. Help manage commitments from [Vendor A] and [Vendor B] for supplies required in [Product Name], focusing on components for [Feature A], [Feature B], and maintaining the delivery schedule for [Timeline/Phase].

Business Intelligence with Prompts

  1. Analyze the business data from Q1 for [Product/Service], summarize it into a meaningful report, and highlight potential areas of concern or opportunity.
  2. Summarize the business data from Q2 and Q3 for [Feature A] and [Feature B] in our [Product/Service].
  3. Highlight potential areas of concern or opportunity based on the sales data for [Feature A] and [Feature B] in our [Product/Service].
  4. Analyze business data from [Quarter/Year] and summarize insights related to the performance of [Feature A], [Feature B], and overall [Product/Service].
  5. Based on the data from [Quarter/Year], highlight potential areas of concern or opportunity for [Feature A], [Feature B], and the growth of our [Product/Service].
  6. Analyze our [Product Name] business data from [Period], provide insights about the performance of [Feature A], [Feature B], [Aspect C], and potential areas of improvement for [Aspect D].
  7. Analyze business data from [Quarter] for [Product Name], provide insights about the performance of [Feature A], [Feature B], how it affects our [KPI C] and [KPI D], and possible impact on [Future Projection E].

Risk Management with

  1. Identify potential risks in launching a new product in the XYZ market and suggest some mitigation strategies.
  2. Based on your understanding of common product development pitfalls, identify potential risks and suggest mitigation strategies for our upcoming [Product/Service].
  3. Identify potential risks and suggest mitigation strategies for the development of [Feature A] and [Feature B] in our [Product/Service].
  4. Based on your understanding of common product development pitfalls, evaluate the risks associated with adding [Feature A] and [Feature B] to our [Product/Service].
  5. Evaluate the risks associated with the introduction of [Feature A], modification of [Feature B], and potential impacts on our [Product/Service], providing suitable mitigation strategies.
  6. Identify potential risks and suggest mitigation strategies in the development of [Feature A], [Feature B] for our [Product Name], considering the impacts on [Aspect C] and [Aspect D].
  7. Identify potential risks and suggest mitigation strategies for the development of [Product Name] considering [Risk Factor A], [Risk Factor B], its possible impact on [Outcome C], [Outcome D], and methods to ensure [Desired Outcome E].
AI Prompts for College/University

ChatGPT Prompts for Marketing

Prompts for Email Marketing

  1. Write a cold email to introduce [product/service] to [prospect]
  2. Write a follow-up email to [prospect] after [event/meeting/phone call]
  3. Write a [number of words] email to [prospective contributor] to request a guest post contribution
  4. Write a follow-up email to [prospective contributor] after [number of days] of no response to the initial request
  5. Create a subject line that grabs [prospect’s] attention
  6. Write a persuasive subject line to grab the attention of [prospect] in a cold email introducing [product/service]
  7. Write a subject line that is concise and [emotional trigger word, such as “urgent” or “limited time”]
  8. Generate [number] subject lines for an email campaign about [product or service.].
  9. Use [number] words to write a subject line that creates a sense of [emotion or urgency
  10. Use [number] words to create a subject line that is [clever/witty/funny]
  11. Use [number] words to create a subject line that [solves a problem] for [prospect].
  12. Write a [number of words] email to [prospective partner/investor/affiliate/sponsor] to request [partnership/investment/affiliate partnership/sponsorship]
  13. How to write a persuasive email to [prospective partner/investor/affiliate/sponsor] to [renew a partnership/follow up on an investment/affiliate partnership/sponsorship request]
  14. Write a [number of words] email to [existing customer/prospect] regarding [product/service update/offer]
  15. Write a [number of words] email to [existing customer/prospect] to [encourage repeat business/upsell product/service]
  16. How to write a persuasive email to [prospective customer] to close a sale
  17. Write an email to [customer] to gather feedback on [product/service]
  18. Write an email to [existing vendor] to [thank them for their service/provide feedback]
  19. Write an email to [prospective speaker/guest] to [invite them to an event/request an interview]
  20. Write an email to [newsletter subscribers] to [provide updates/announce new product/service]
  21. Write an email to [existing customer] to [offer a discount/send a coupon]
  22. Write an email to [existing customer] to [request a referral/ask for a testimonial]
  23. Write an email to [existing customer] to [thank them for their business/ask for a review]
  24. Write an email to [prospective customer] to [explain the benefits of your product/service]
  25. Write an email to [existing customer] to [offer a loyalty program/reward repeat business]
  26. Write an email to [prospective customer] to [address a competitor’s claims/differentiate your product/service]
  27. Write an email to [existing customer] to [upgrade their service/offer an upgrade package].
  28. Best practices for personalizing email marketing messages with [customer data]
  29. How to segment your email marketing list for maximum impact based on [customer behavior/demographics]
  30. Strategies for increasing open and click-through rates in email marketing
  31. How to avoid spam filters and improve email deliverability
  32. Write a series of three emails that aim to convert trial users of our [Product/Service] to paid subscribers. The emails should cover points like [Benefit 1], [Benefit 2], and [Offer/Discount].
  33. Draft an email sequence for our [Type of Audience] following their first purchase. The sequence should include a thank you email, a follow-up after [Number of Days/Weeks], and a promotion for [Product/Service].
  34. Create a welcome email series for new subscribers of our [Product/Service]. The series should introduce our [Company/Brand], highlight key features of the [Product/Service], and provide [Incentive/Offer] for their first purchase.
AI Prompts for College/University

ChatGPT Prompts for Sales

Prompts for Prospecting

  1. Generate a list of questions to qualify a lead in the [industry] sector.
  2. Draft an introductory email for a potential lead in the [industry].
  3. Create a script for a cold call to a potential customer in the [industry].
  4. What are some key points to mention when pitching our product/service to a company in the [industry]?
  5. Suggest ways to follow up with a prospect who has expressed interest in our product/service.
  6. Draft a LinkedIn message to connect with a potential lead in the [industry].

Prompts for Initial Contact and Lead Nurturing

  1. Compose an introductory email to a potential client about our [product/service].
  2. Draft a follow-up email after the initial call with a potential client in the [industry].
  3. Create a script for a sales call with a potential client who has shown interest in our [product/service].
  4. Generate an informative email outlining the key benefits of our [product/service].
  5. Write a response to a potential client who has concerns about the pricing of our [product/service].
  6. Develop a series of nurture emails to engage potential clients who have downloaded our product brochure

Prompts for Handling Objections

  1. What are some ways to respond when a customer says our product/service is too expensive?
  2. How to handle the objection: “We are currently working with your competitor.”
  3. What are potential responses when a prospect says, “Now is not a good time to switch solutions?”
  4. Suggest ways to address the objection: “I’m satisfied with our current solution.”
  5. How to respond when a lead says, “I need to think about it.”
  6. Draft a response to a customer who says they don’t see the value in our product/service.

Prompts for Closing Sales

  1. How to close a sale with a prospect who is indecisive?
  2. What are some persuasive statements to use when closing a sale for our [product/service]?
  3. Provide a closing script for a sales conversation with a prospect in the [industry].
  4. Draft a follow-up email aimed at closing a sale with a prospect who has shown strong interest in our [product/service].
  5. Generate a response to a prospect who is leaning towards purchasing our [product/service] but needs a final nudge.

Prompts for Post-Sale Follow Up and Customer Retention

  1. Write a thank you email to a customer after they made a purchase of our [product/service].
  2. Craft a follow-up message to check on a customer’s satisfaction with our [product/service].
  3. Draft a message informing a customer about an upgrade or new feature in our [product/service].
  4. Develop a response to a customer’s feedback or complaint about our [product/service].
  5. Create a script for a customer service call addressing technical issues with our [product/service].
  6. Design a loyalty program proposal for our repeat customers.

Prompts for Sales Training

  1. Role-play a customer who is satisfied with their current vendor and isn’t interested in switching.
  2. Play the part of a customer who believes our product/service is too expensive.
  3. Act as a lead who is interested but needs to convince other decision-makers in their company.
  4. Simulate a scenario where a customer is hesitant because of a negative review they read about our product/service.
  5. Emulate a conversation with a customer who is having technical issues with our product/service.